English General and Essay KP Civil Judges Judicial Magistrates Paper 2015


Time Allowed: 03 hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: Attempt all questions.

Q: 1 Use any FIFTEEN Words in sentences clearly bringing out the meaning in the usage. [30]

i. Acquit ii. Assault iii. Bailiff iv. Complainant v. Felony vi. Expunge vii. Exonerate viii. Defendant ix. Immunity x. Indictment xi. Jurisdiction xii. Liable xiii. Litigation xiv. Misdemeanor xv. Revoke xvi. Rejoinder xvii. Statute xviii. Suppress xix. Testimony xx. Waiver

Q: 2 Use any TEN of the given phrases and expressions in sentences bringing out the meanings clearly.

i. Aid and abet ii. Bunke of afoot iii. Circumstantial evidence iv. Cross-examination v. Reasonable doubt vi. Plea bargain vii. Probable case viii. Summary judgment ix. To add insult to injury x. Back to the drawing board xi. Best of both worlds xii. Devil’s advocate xiii. Drastic times call for drastic measures xiv. To give the benefit of doubt xv. To hear it on the grapevine xvi. In the heat of the moment xvii. Jump on the bandwagon xviii. To keep something at bay xix. To make a long story short xx. To miss the boa

Q:3 Write a well- structured (five paragraph) essay of about 800 to 1000 word-length on any one of the given topics.[30]

  1. Conflict of interest – the concept and its handling
  2. Internal and External threats facing Pakistan
  3. Pak-China Economic Corridor – pros and corn
  4. Corruption -causes, consequences, and control
  5. Pakistan Media and Ethics
  6. Is the decision of Urdu as the Official language an emotional or rational one?
  7. Pakistan’s Water Crisis and the emerging scenarios

Q: 4 Make a precis of the given text (by capturing the gist in about 195 words). [20]

International law is the universal system of rules and principles concerning the relations between sovereign States, and relations between States and international organisations such as the United Nations. Although international law is mostly made between States or in relation to States, its effects are broader and can also affect other entities. Sometimes these are called ‘non-State actors’ and include individuals. corporations, armed militant groups, groups that wish to secede or break away from a State, and other collective groups of people, such as minorities (ethnic, religious. linguistic) and Indigenous peoples. The modem system of international law developed in Europe from the 17th century onwards and is now accepted by all countries around the world. The rules and principles of international law are increasingly important to the functioning of our interdependent world and include areas such as: telecommunications. postal services and transportation (such as carriage of goods and passengers); international economic law (including trade, intellectual property and foreign investment); international crimes and extradition; human rights and refugee protection: the use of armed force by States and non-State actors: counter-terrorism regulation; nuclear technology; protection of the environment: and use of the sea, outer space and Antarctica.

An important aspect of international law is resolving international disputes, but it is only one part. Like any legal system, international law is designed to regulate and shape behaviour, to prevent violations, and to provide remedies for violations when they occur. International law is concerned with the rights end duties of States in their relations with each other and with international organisations. Domestic (municipal or national) law, the law within a State, is concerned with the rights and duties of legal persons within the State. International law differs from domestic law in two central respects: First, the law-making process. There is no supreme law-making body in international law. Treaties are negotiated between States on an ad hoc basis and only bind States which are parties to a treaty. The General Assembly of the United Nations is not a law-making body, and so its resolutions are not legally binding. However. UN Security Council resolutions to take action with respect to threats to peace, breaches of the peace, and acts of aggression, are binding on the 192 member States. Second, the enforcement. International law has no international police force to oversee obedience to the international legal standards to which States agree or that develop as international standards of behaviour. Similarly, there is no compulsory enforcement mechanism for the settlement of disputes. However, there are an increasing number of specialised courts, tribunals and treaty monitoring bodies as well as an International Court of Justice. National laws and courts are often an important means through which international law is implemented in practice. In some instances, the Security Council an authorise the use of coercive economic sanctions or even armed force.

Even though international law does not have the coercive enforcement processes available to domestic law, its in the interests of most States to ensure stability and predictability in their relations with other St3ICS. By complying with their obligations, they help to ensure that other States comply with theirs. Aside from this mutual benefit. it is in every State’s interests to abide by the rule of law applying to areas such as use of the sea and ocean resources and environmental protection. In a field like human rights, States may uphold international law principles, even where there is no direct national interest. because they recognise the need to protect common and universal human values. (Word Count 584)
