English General and Essay KP Civil Judges Judicial Magistrates Paper 2017


Competitive Examination for the Posts of Civil Judges/Judicial Magistrates, 2017


Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Question 1.

Use any FIFTEEN of the following words in sentences so as to bring out their meaning: (30)
1. Suite, 2. Ubiquitous, 3. Imputation, 4. Pre-exemption, 5. In-camera, 6. Preamble,7. Repudiation 8. Acquiescence 9. Loquacious 10. Perennial 11. Posthumous 12. Antidote 13. Allude 14. Colloquial 15. Debenture 16. Vertigo 17. Benediction 18. Gazette 19. Hereditament 20. Journals

Question 2.

Use any TEN of the following phrases and expressions in sentences so as to bring out their meaning: (20)
1. Summary Trial 2. Sub Rosa 3. Ultra Vires 4. Real Estate 5. Vache Noire 6. Magna Carta 7. Unsworn Evidence 8. Inter Alia  9. Vagal Inhibition 10. Subjudice Rule 11. Habeas Corpus 12. Ancillary Relief 13. Casus Belli 14. De Legelata  15. Open the Floodgates 16. Treasure Trove 17. War Crimes 18. Multiple Admissibility 19. Living Memory
20. Bill of Indictment

Question 3.

Write a well-constructed (five- paragraph) essay on any One of the following topics: (20)
1. Donald Trump’s South Asian Policy and Pak-US Relations
2. Electoral Reforms in Pakistan
3. Self-respect leads to self-discipline
4. Where there’s will, there’s a way
5. Social Media: A menace or a harbinger of social and political change
6. Water crisis and the construction of New Dams in Pakistan
7. Judicial Activism and the supremacy of Parliament in Pakistan
8. Census 2017: Social and Political implications

Question 4.

Supply a title for the following passage, and express the substance clearly and accurately in not more than a third of the present length. (30)
In several different parts of Europe the toll or lock-duty upon a canal is the property of private persons, whose private interest obliges them to keep up the canal. If it is not kept in tolerable order, the navigation necessarily ceases altogether, and along with it the whole profit which they can make by the tolls. If those tolls were put under the management of commissioners, who had themselves no interest in them, they might be less attentive to the maintenance of the Works which produce them. The canal of Languedoc cost the King of France and the province upwards of thirteen millions of livres, which (at 28 lines the mark of silver, the value of French money in the end of the last century) amounted to upwards of £900,000. When that great work was finished, the most likely method, it was found, of keeping it in constant repair was to make a present of the tolls to Riquet, the engineer who planned and conducted the work. Those tolls constitute at present a very large estate to the different branches of the family of that gentleman. who have therefore a great interest to keep the work in constant repair. But had those tolls been put under the management of commissioners, who had no such interest, they might perhaps have been dissipated in ornamental and unnecessary expenses, while the most essential parts of the work were allowed to go to ruin.

The tolls for the maintenance of a high-road cannot with any safety be made the property of private persons. A high-road. though entirely neglected, does not become altogether impassable, though a canal does. The proprietors of the tolls upon a high-road, therefore, might neglect altogether the repair of the road and yet continue to levy very nearly the same tolls. It is proper, therefore, that the tolls for the maintenance of such a work should be put under the management of commissioners or trustees. — (Adam Smith). (326 words)
