English KP PMS Paper 2016

Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Attempt all questions. Marks will be deducted for incorrect use of language. Extra attempt of any question will not be considered. Candidates must draw two straight lines (=== ) at the end to separate each question attempted In the answer book.

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, were produced millions of years ago. For example, coal formed from the remains of plants that grew on land. These plants died naturally or were destroyed by fire or by severe weather, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones. As these dead plants lay on the ground, they became buried under layers of soil. For centuries, the remains were pressed together by the tons of soil and rock above them. In time, the decaying material turned into coal.

Have you ever heard of petrified wood? You might wonder why some wood turns to coal, while some wood becomes rock. Wood becomes petrified in very dry climates. As water and wind carry away the decaying parts of the wood, minerals fill in the empty spaces. In time, the entire piece of wood turns to rock. However, petrified wood is not a fossil fuel and cannot be burned.

Oil is another fossil fuel. It formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived in the ocean. After they died, the remains gravitated towards the ocean floor. There, the molecules of matter slipped into the crevasses of rocks where they decayed. Over hundreds of years, this material liquefied, turning into pools of oil. Many oil deposits are now in desert areas, such as the Middle East. Other deposits are under the sea. Large drilling platforms float above buried pools of this oil, sometimes many nautical miles from shore. The platforms insert pipes into the ocean floor and pump the oil up to the surface. Some of this oil is turned into petrol and diesel fuel.

Like oil, natural gas is formed from organisms that died in the ocean. Gas is often found floating on top of oil pools. The fastest growing source of energy, natural gas burns with less pollution than oil or coal. It is often used for heating and cooking.

Fossil fuels take centuries to form, and we use them much faster than they form. The world’s nations often have summit meetings to discuss ways to conserve fossil fuels and use them fairly. Everyone wants to know how long our supplies will last, but that is a difficult question. It’s like asking how long cosmic rays will shine from the sun. Many factors influence the answer. For example, new technology allows us to use energy more efficiently. New fuel deposits are sometimes discovered. Political, social and economic factors also affect the production and use of energy. Still, nations must work together to protect the limited supply of these fuels.

Q No. 2. must have people who are willing to follow. Leaders are individuals within a group who guide and direct the group’s activities. Leadership is the process of communication that occurs between leaders and followers. To understand leadership, you need to look at what leaders say and how followers respond as well as what followers say and how leaders respond.

How do positions of group leadership get created? One way is for leaders to be appointed by some external authority to the group. For example, managers are often appointed to be leaders of work teams within an organization. Upper-level managers appoint lower-level managers to guide and direct work teams. Another way that positions of leadership get created in groups is that leaders emerge from the interaction among group members. An individual may emerge as a leader in a group if he or she participates a great deal within the group. demonstrates expertise that other group members do not, and collaborates with other group members. Is one way better than the other? No. Both approaches have strengths and weaknesses. Appointed leaders may be viewed favourably by other group members particularly if the people doing the appointing are well respected. Being appointed by high-status people can give a leader credibility. At the same time, if group members do not perceive the process of appointing leaders as legitimate, the appointed leader may be viewed as incompetent or not deserving the position. Leaders who emerge in the course of the group discussion tend to be viewed as more credible. At the same time, individuals who are unqualified may emerge as leaders. For example, people who participate a great deal in the discussion tend to emerge as leaders. Other group members take this high level of participation as a sign of commitment and concern for the group and allow this person to emerge as the leader. Yet does talking a lot in a group discussion guarantee that a person has the needed knowledge and expertise to guide the group? The answer is a resounding no. Unqualified people sometimes emerge as leaders simply by virtue of their being active in the group discussion.(665 words]

Q.3 (a) Use any five words from the list below in your sentences clearly bringing out its meaning: (10)

i) Thwart ii) Adept iii) Boisterous iv) Cumulative v) Decipher vi) Bizarre vii) Humongous viii) Retreat

Q.3 (b) Study the groups of words given below and pick the word which is completely different from the rest of the words in each group. (5)

i ) ——- [ inception – emancipation – inauguration – commencement -foundation]

ii) —— [ hover – linger – drift – plunge – glide]

iii) —— [abominable – laudable – commendable — creditable – worthy]

iv) —– [ dubious – doubtful – cynical – satirical – hesitant]

v) —– [ refrain – abstain – renounce – cease – retract]

Q. 4 Rewrite the given sentences by incorporating the instructions given in parentheses. (10)

i) My car would not start. My brother’s started immediately.[Join the pair of sentences by using a suitable conjunction]

ii) The economic condition tends improving in the next financial year.[change the incorrect use of verbs]

iii) I cant understand classical musical sana tells me [punctuate the sentence]

iv ) “Would you take the car to garage for me?” The husband said to his wife. [change to reported speech]

v) The employees of this organization truly appreciate that executive. [change the Voice]

Q. 5(a) Use any FIVE of the following idioms and phrases in your sentences clearly bringing out its meaning: (5)

i ) Pointblank ii) By means of iii) case in point iv ) At full stretch v) Black out vi ) On cloud nine vii ) To ground somebody in something viii ) A matter of hours

Q. 5 (b) Complete the sentences by selecting the correct word from the given options. (5)

i ) The —- (corpse, corps) of the beggar was found by the roadside.

ii) The crowd —- (disbursed, dispersed) when the police arrived.

iii) When he felt his defeat was —— (eminent, imminent), he fled away from the battlefield.

iv ) The man managed to catch his —— (fowl, foul) from the nearby bush.

v) The government has —— (waved, waived) the age limit for this post.

Q.6 Write a paragraph of about 250 to 300 words on any one of the following topics. (15)

a) Consequences of Socio- economic disparity

b) Misuse of public places

c) Ethics of professional and organizational communication

d) Factors governing career selection among college students
