English KP PMS Paper 2019

Provincial Management Services Officers (In-Service Quota) 2019
Paper: English Grammar & Composition.
Total marks: 100Time duration 03 hours


Write a comprehensive essay on any ONE of the given topics. Your essay must build persuasive arguments supporting your views.
1 Character, not technology, build nations.
2 Unemployment and its remedies
3 Poverty fosters crime.
4 Importance of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
5 Islam misunderstood in the west.
6 Energy crisis in Pakistan.


Note: Attempt all questions:

Q1. Read the following text and answer the question given at the end. The answer must be in your own words: (20 marks).
Supposing you have to make a payment of Rs.100, you can do so in rupee-coin; but it would be cumbersome to pay in nickel or copper coins, because they are heavy to carry and also because it takes much time to count them. The government therefore permits you to make the payment in rupees-notes. What are these rupee-notes really? They are kind of money,right enough, although they are made of paper instead of metal. You can use them in just the same way that you use ordinary money. The reason why they are made of paper and used is that they save the trouble of carrying meta coin about of course paper is lighter then metal- and they also save using silver and other metal they are scarce.
What makes these piece of paper bear the value of number of rupees that is printed upon them? Which should piece of paper with “100” printed on it be worth 20 times as much as a piece of paper with “five” printed on it and also worth a hundred times as much as a silver rupee coin? The reason is that the government guarantees that the piece of paper is worth amount printed on it and promises to pay that amount to anybody who wishes to exchange this paper for the rupee-coin. Also, if you think about it you can easily realize that crores and crores more of rupees -Coins would have to be minted, if all paper-money were abolished.
Perhaps you may ask, “hen why not have paper money only? Why use silver and nickel and copper at all?” The answer is-because money must, as we have already said, be something so useful that everyone wants. Also because the metals are the best form of money; and thirdly because it would be impossible to print just the right amount of paper of money that would keep prices at their proper natural level. If any government prints too much paper money, then prices go up at once. The supply of money is increased and therefore its value (in food, cloths, books, houses, land, tools and everything else) goes down.
You may think at the first that it is queer to talk of having too much paper money and that money so nice and useful that you cannot have too much of it. But if you think that, I am afraid you are forgetting that money is only useful for what it will buy; so it is to good at all having more money if there are no more things to buy with it. The more money there is the higher will be the prices of everything the same thing happen with rupee-coins as with paper money but it is not likely to happen, for this reason it is very easy to print a great deal of paper money, but not at all easy to increase the amount of rupee-coins. Siver has to be dug out of mines, and very difficult to get to the amount there is if it keeps very steady and changes very little in fact that is one of the chief reasons why it was chosen to make coins of.
i) Why does the Government allow payment to be made in paper notes?
ii)If metal is so cumbersome, why should we not have only paper money? Why should wenot print as much of it as possible?
iii)What is the real use of money?
iv)Why should the prices of commodities go up when there is plenty of paper money?
v) Why does the Government print only a certain number of paper notes, and not as many as it likes arbitrarily?

Q2. Make a Précis of the given passage reducing it to one-third of its original length. Suggest a suitable title. (20 marks).
Trees give shade for the benefit of others and while they themselves stand in the sun and endure scorching heat, they produce the fruit by which others profit. The character of good men is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body, if no use of it is made for the benefit of mankind? Sandalwood-the more it is rubbed the more scent does it yield. Sugarcane- the more it is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice does it produce. Gold-the more it is burnt, the more brightly does it shine. The men who are noble at heart do not lose these qualities even in losing their lives. What does it matter whether men praise them or not? What difference does it make whether riches abide with them or not? What does it signify whether they die at this moment or whether their lives are prolonged? Happen what may, those who tread in the right path will not set foot in any other. Life itself is unprofitable to a man who does not live for others. To live for the mere sake of living one’s life is to live the
life of dogs and cows. Those who lay down their lives for the sake of a friend, or even for the sake of a stranger, will assuredly dwell forever in a world of bliss.

Q3. Use the following pairs of words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the differences in their meaning. [10 marks).Complementachalim Cound couns
i) Complement, compliment
ii)Council, Counse
iii)Deasert, Dessert
iv)Quit, Quite
v)Stationary, Stationery

Q4. Rewrice the given sentences by incorporating the Instructions given in parenthesis (10 marks).
i)I (read) three books sice Monday (Put verb in correct tense form).
ii)Ahmad said, I respect my elders and love my younger (Change the narration).
iii) Neither of the reports allowed to Interview the players (insert correct verbs)
iv)The committee approved the budget after long discussion (Change voice).
v)Soon it grew dark while he was still far away from home suddenly two robbers came out of a bush and attacked him they left him there wounded tired and sad siting by his dead horse. (Punctuate the sentence).

Q5. Use any five of the following Idioms in phrases in your own sentences clearly bringing out their meanings. (10 marks)
i) Adam’s ale
ii)Freudian slip
iii) Under a bushel
iv) in a nutshell
v) itchy feet
vi) Keep your nose to the grindstone
vii) Let bygones be bygones
viii) Like father, like son