English Literature CSS Paper II 2005


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Of all the plays it is the longest and is precisely one on which Shakespeare spent most pains, yet left on it superfluous and inconsistent scenes. Substantiate statement with at least five superfluous and inconsistent scenes.

  2. No one can become really educated without having pursued some study in he took no interest – For it is a part of education to interest ourselves in subjects for which we have no aptitude. To what extent the statement has relevance with the present education in our society?

  3. To what extent T. S. Eliot claim is justified to have claimed the universality for the wasteland, when there exists a mounting wave of criticism by other critics? Give your objective views.

  4. Robert Frost ranged in tone from the lyric to narrative from dramatic to meditative from the terrifying to humourous. All the fun’s in how you say a thing. Elaborate.

  5. The Old Man and the Sea. AT 26531 words by Author’s laborious count it is perhaps his most sustained attempt to unite the actual and symbolic under one continuous narrative roof. Comment critically.

  6. W. B. Yeats works deal intensely with three basic urges. List each urge elaborately.

  7. Write short notes on Jane Austen and Swift separately. As you have seen them in “Pride and Prejudice” and “Gulliver Travels”.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) It is for the world to decide whether you are a poet or not. For whom these words are meant:
a) Frost b) Pope c) Byron d) None of these

  1. Ernest Hemingway in addition to ‘Old Man and the Sea’ bad written:
    a) A Farewell to Arms b) For Whom the Bell Tolls c) Death in the Afternoon d) All of the above

  2. All that glitters is not gold. You have heard often this told. This maxim is included in Shakespeare’s
    a) Merchant of Venice / Shakespeare’s b) Shakespeare’s Tempest c) Shakespeare’s Much ado about nothing. d) None of these

  3. “I have suffered with those, that I saw suffering”. These Humanistic words are attributed to:
    a) Miranda in the ‘Tempest’ b) Portia In ‘Merchant of Venice’ c) Lady Macbeth in ‘Macbeth’ d) None of these

  4. “None of thou shalt be my paramour” these words are attributed to:
    a) Helen of Troy – Dr. Faustus b) Marlowe’s Jew of Malta c) Marlowe’s Tamburlaine d) None of these

  5. “Lyrical ballads” were published by:
    a) Coleridge b) Wordsworth c) Both Coleridge and Wordsworth d) None of these

  6. The proper study of mankind in man. This line is taken from the work of:
    a) Wordsworth b) Pope c) Swift d) Thomson

  7. There is no man like Showman. These views were held by:
    a) Thomas Carlyle b) Spencer c) Shakespeare d) None of these

  8. Shakespeare has written:
    a) Historical plays b) Comedies c) Tragedies d) All of these

  9. Famous romantic poets were
    a) Five b) Four c) Six d) None of these

  10. ‘The quality of Mercy is not strained’ the line is taken from
    a) Shakespeare b) Two gentlemen of Verona c) Midsummer’s Night Dream d) Antony and Cleopatra

  11. A thing of beauty is joy forever. It is composed by:
    a) Keats b) Shelley c) Byron d) None of these

  12. Your plan is a good one if a girl only wants to be married. Who said these words?
    a) Charlotte b) Mr. Bennet c) Mr. Bingley d) None of these

  13. In Chapter XVI the word muffled in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is:
    a) Confused b) Amazed c) Not thinking clearly d) None of these

  14. Beckett was born in Dublin Ireland.
    a) In 1906 b) In 1969 c) In 1952 d) None of these

  15. To err is human, forgive is divine. Who has said these words:
    a) Pope b) Swift c) Dryden d) None of these

  16. Poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. It takes it origin from emotions recollected in tranquility. Who has given the description of the poetry?
    a) Aristotle b) Plato c) Wordsworth d) None of these

  17. Jane Austen in addition to, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ had also written:
    a) Emma b) Sense and Sensibility c) Persuasion d) All of these

  18. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet had __________ Daughters.
    a) Six b) Seven c) Five d) None of these

  19. Father of antiquities were:
    a) Socrates b) Aristotle c) Plato d) All of these
