European History CSS Paper II 2007

NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions including question No 8 which is compulsory.All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attmept of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.1. Discuss Joseph Stalin’s First Five Year Plan and the enforcement of his massive program of rapid industrialization.
Q.2. Clearly explain the significance of Hitler’s operation to overrun Czechoslovakia.
Q.3. Write on teh scientists at the World War II.
Q.4. Give an exposition ot “The Challenge of Sputnik”and The System Approach”.
Q.5. Why is The Cuban Revolution of 1959 and its aftermath controversial?
Q.6. Give an economic and political account of the origins of the European Community.

Q.7. Write on any TWO of the following:
(a) Developments which caused President Wilson to abandon his neutral stance.
(b) Petrogard” Host to a Revolution.
(c) Gabriele D’Annunzio
(d) The Berlin Airlift


Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) The representatives of Germany and the Allied Powers concluded an armistic in a ————in the Forest of compiegne,France,north of Paris:
(a) wooden hut or cabin (b) railway carriage (c) clearing (d) None of these

(2) Under the Treaty of St.Germain,Austria lost about 73 percent of her former territory and ———— percent of her population,including millions of Germans:
(a) 75 (b) 74 (c) 77 (d) None of these

(3) The treaty of Sevres with Turkey was signed in Paris in ————:
(a) August 1920 (b) July 1920 (c) August 1919 (d) None of these

(4) Wilson returned home from paris in July 1919 and faced stron Republican opposition,led by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, threatened to defeat his proposed———— :
(a)Constitution (b) League of Nations (c) diluted version of the covenant (d) None of these

(5) ————was wife of Lenin:
(a) Krupskaya (b) Krupskiva (c) Krupskava (d) None of these

(6) On————,Benito Mussolini began to mobilize his Fascist legions for a march on the Italian capital:
(a) October 22,1922 (b) October 21,1922 (c) October 23,1922 (d) None of these

(7) An act of ————at the German Reichstag provided Adolf Hitler with a golden opportunity to gain absolute power:
(a) arson (b) theft (c) armed burglary (d) None of these

(8) The French Third Republic survived until the invasion of France by the German Third Reich in———— :
(a) 1940 (b) 1942 (c) 1941 (d) None of these

(9) In Britian the ————of July 1931 urged public-sector wage cuts and large cuts in public spending(notably in payments to the unemployed )to avoid incurring a budget deficit:
(a) May report (b) June Report (c) July Report (d) None of these

(10) French civilians joined with soldiers in a last-ditch battle against the germans and on August ————,Paris was liberated by the allies:
(a) 25,1944 (b) 26,1944 (c)27,1944 (d) None of these

(11) The United Nations took its name from the ————formalized in its declaration:
(a) the Charter of the United Nations (b)League of Nations (c)military alliance (d) None of these

(12) The launching of Sputnik opened the skies and Planets to human inquiry changing culture and consciousness and in the United Stated one immediate effect was a great rebuilding and expansion of the ————:
(a) educational establishment (b) financial establishment (c) military establishment (d) None of these

(13) The instability and ineffectiveness of the Fourth French Republic came to a head in the Algerian Crisis of ————when teh current government suggested that it would negotiate with the Algerian nationalists:
(a) 1957 (b) 1958 (c) 1956 (d) None of these

(14) Nowhere is the overriding importance of de Gaulle’s distinctive ideas said to be demonstrated more clearly than in the striking set of Frech policies towards the ————developed under his presidency:
(a) European countries (b) European union (EU) (c) European Economic committee (EEC) (d) None of these

(15) De Gaule is consistently cited as the modren archetype of the visionary statesmen; a nationalist for whom idiosyncratic understading of grandeur “sovereignity,and ————were the primary ends of policy:
(a) prestige (b) equality (c) liberty (d) None of these

(16) The ———— British Nationality Act gave British citizenship to all people,living in Commonwealth countries and full rights of entry and settlement in Britian to fill the shortage of labour in Britian :
(a) 1948 (b) 1949 (c) 1947 (d) None of these

(17) In ————the Labour Party won an overwhelming electoral victory in Britian:
(a) 1946 (b) 1947 (c) 1945 (d) None of these

(18) The Iranian government requested the withdrawal of U.S.,Britian,and Soviet troops from the country on ———— :
(a) May 10,1952 (b) May 5,1945 (c) May 10,1946 (d) None of these

(19) Prime Minister Mossadegh and the Majlis nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil company on ————:
(a) March 29,1952 (b)March 30,1956 (c) March 25,1957 (d) None of these

(20) The European Atomic Energy Community,or EURATOM, was established on ————, by a second treaty of Rome:
(a) MArch 2,1957 (b) March 25,1958 (c) March 25,1957 (d) None of these
