European History KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

European History

Total Marks – 200

Paper II – (1914 – 1960)
Marks – 100

1. First World War: Events – USA’s entry into the War, Wilson’s 14 points, the choice of the Turks, War in the Middle East, Britain’s Middle East policy during the War, Balfour Declaration, defeat of Germany, Austria and Turkey, effects of the war

2. Peace treaties: The Treaty of Versailles, the Big Four, the basis of the Treaty, the Treaty of Versailles and the US. The Treaties of St. Germaine and Trianon, the Treaty of Serres, the Treaty of Lausanne

3. The League of Nations: The Covenant, the League between the two Wars, causes of failure

4. Marxism and the Soviet Union: The Russian Revolution 1917, Lenin, the Third International 1919, civil war in Russia, Trotsky. The constitution of USSR. Stalin, First Five Year Plan, purges, the Russian foreign policy between the two Wars

5. Italy and Fascism: Effects of the War on Italy, Mussolini’s rise to power, Fascist party and principles, Italy’s foreign policy between the two Wars

6. Germany and Nazism: Germany from the Versailles Treaty to Hitler, origins of Nazism, Mein Kamph, Hitler’s rise to power, domestic policy of Hitler, the totalitarian state, Hitler’s foreign policy

7. France between the two Wars: Defects of the French Constitution, collapse of the Third Republic, foreign policy of France between the Wars

8. England between the two Wars: Disadvantages of Parliamentary government, Cabinet Government in England, Depression of 1929 and England, stability of the British Commonwealth, foreign policy of England between the Wars

9. The Second World War: Causes, the events, Atlantic Charter, Tehran, Yalta and Postdam conferences, the allied victory, effects of the War

10. The UNO: Origin, the charter of the UNO, UNO as peace keeping force

11. The political state of Europe 1945-50: The new balance of power in Europe, Russian domination of Eastern Europe, decisions on Germany’s future, economic collapse of western Europe and recovery, Marshal Plan, Cold War, the blockade of Berlin, NATO

12. The rise of Russia as a great power: The effects of the War on Russia, the fruit of victory, Warsaw Pact, Russia’s efforts to spread its influence in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America 1945 – 1960

13. France after the Second World War: Fourth French Republic, French colonial policy after Second World War, Algeria, Indochina, De Gaulle’s domestic and foreign policy

14. England after the Second World War: The rise of the Labour Party, economic policy of the Labour Party’s government, England’s colonial policy after the Second World War, decline of England as world power, British Commonwealth, England and the common market, England and the Middle East 1945-1960

15. Europe and Common Market: The origin and evolution of the European common market upto 1960
