Everyday Science CSS Paper 1992

Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks. Illustrate your answer with suitable diagram (wherever necessary).

  1. Give an account of the contributions of Muslim Scientists during the period extending from the eighth to twelfth century.

  2. Explain any three of the following Laws of Science.
    (a) Law of Heredity (b) Law of Gravitation (c) Law of floatation of Bodies (d) Law of Conversation of Energy

  3. In addition of performing major functions, some organs of the body secrete hormones also. Name any four of these organs and mention some of the hormones they secrete.

  4. Attempt any five of the following:

(a) The solar system has: (i) 9 planets (ii) 12 planets (iii) 16 planets

(b) The science of study of old age is called: (i) Gerontology (ii) Carcinology (iii) Nephrolog

(c) The instrument used for measuring the velocity: (i) Barometer (ii) Anemometer (iii) Potometer

(d) The science which deals with the bird is called: (i) Entomology (ii) Ornithology (iii) Herpetology

(e) The function of the thermostat in a refrigerator is: (i) To increase the freezing point (ii) To Lower the temperature (iii) To maintain the temperature

(f) Blotting paper absorbs ink because: (i) It has a chemical affinity for ink (ii) The action of capillary (iii) The force of gravitation acts between blotting paper and ink.

(g) Mirage is an example of: (i) Reflection of light (ii) Refraction and internal reflection of light (iii) Polarization of light

  1. What do you understand by biochemical cycle? Give an account of nitrogen or carbon cycle?

  2. Where are the following animals found? Answer any five.
    a) Kangaroo b) Kiwi c) Llama d) Ibex e) Panda f) Snow Leopard g) Penguin

  3. Name the sources of any five of the following biological products.
    a) Musk b) Codeine c) Cocaine d) Quinine e) Colchicines f) Digilain

  4. (a) What is meant by rotation of crops? What advantages result from this practice?

(b) Why does an electric bulb make a sudden loud noise when it is broken?

(c) What is the scientific basic of the following?
(i) Pasteurizing milk (ii) Breathing after running

  1. Differentiate between any five of the following
    a) DNA and RNA b) Alloy and Amalgam c) Blood and Lymph d) Stars and Planets e) Gas and Vapour f) Brass and Bronze g) Small pox and Measles

  2. Fill in the blanks
    a) The age of a tree can be determined by counting ___________ .
    b) In a normal resting man, the rate of heart beat is ____ per minutes.
    c) In Pakistan copper is found in ________ .
    d) American space shuttle _______________ is the first winged spaceship to orbit and return to airport landing.
    e) _________ a defect of vision which does not permit to see clearly the distant objects.
    f) The brightest planet is ________

  3. (a) What gases are taken in and given out by a green plant in darkness and in sunlight?
    (b) What are the characteristics of insect pollinated flowers?
    (c) What is heavy water?
    (d) What is twinkling of stars? Explain.
    (e) What do you understand by half life time of a radioactive substance?
    (f) What is Cellulose? What are its uses?

  4. Describe briefly the principle and working of any two of the following appliances
    a) Radar b) Television c) Pressure cooker

  5. Name two diseases caused by following groups of micro-organisms.
    a) Bacteria b) Viruses c) Protozoa d) Fungi

  6. (a) What are the commercial forms of the iron?
    (b) What is baking powder chemically?
    (c) What are the uses of sulfuric acid?

  7. Write short notes on any five of the following
    (a) Hemophilia (b) Tuber (c) Catalyst (d) Early Bird (e) German Silver (f) Laser (g) Spectrum colours
