Everyday Science CSS Paper 1996

Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw diagrams where
necessary. Negative marking would be done for incorrect answers in Question 1 and 2.

  1. Which of the following statements are TRUE? (1 1/2 each)
    (a) Jabir-lbne Hayyan was the author of the book Kitab-Al-Manazir.
    (b) Abul Qasim Al-Zahravi was a famous Muslim Mathematician.
    (c) The speed of light is nearly 300,000 Km/ sec.
    (d) Ideally water can be used as a car fuel after electrolysis.
    (e) A machine helps us do more work with less force.
    (f) Our eye is very sensitive to blue light.
    (g) We can receive TV sound signal on our FM radio-sets.
    (h) Sound can travel through vacuum.
    (i) Famous Muslim botanist Ibn-Al-Baitar lived during the period 700-900 A.D
    (j) A ceramic engine would have greater efficiency

  2. Fill in the blanks with the correct choice:
    (a) Al-Biruni died in ____ A.D. (848, 1048, 1248)
    (b) Abu Ali Sina was born in ____ .(Iraq, Turkey, Spain)
    (c) ____ colour has shortest wavelength. (Blue, Yellow, Green)
    (d) ____ metal has the highest electrical conductivity. (Silver, Tungstun Copper)
    (e) Light travels fastest in ____ . (glass, vacuum, plastics)
    (f) Our solar system has about ____ satellites. (thirty-five, fifty, ninety-six)
    (g) The universe is ____ . (contracting, expanding stationery)
    (h) The disease, haemophilia is caused by the deficiency of vitamin ____ . (A, K, D)
    (i) ____ is a natural polymer. (Glucose, Protein, Polyethylene)
    (j) ____ cannot be nominated for the Nobel Prize. (Physicists, Economicists, Astronomers)

  3. Define any five of the following terms:
    (a) Biogas (b) Geothermal Energy (c) Vaccine (d) Antibiotic (e) Ceramics (f) Light year

  4. Briefly discuss classification of plants giving suitable example of each type.

  5. What are ENDOCRINE Glands? Name any two. From which part of the body are the following secreted: Insulin, Thyroxin, Adrenalin, Oestrogen, Testosterone, Cortisol.

  6. What does LASER stand fur? Describe four different applications, clearly stating thel principle.

  7. Define Energy? What are its units in the Metric System? Name two devices each in which major part of electrical energy is converted into Heat Light, Sound, Mechanical Energy.

  8. What do the following Scientific Abbreviations stands for?
    (a) LPG (b) TNT (c) RNA (d) CNG (e) ATP (f) RBC (g) ECG (h) PVC (i) RAM (j) CFC

  9. Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Acid Rain (b) Greenhouse Effect (c) Ozone Depletion

  10. What are the three components of the CPU in a computer? What is the function of each?

  11. Draw clearly the vertical section of a human tooth, indicating various parts. How are adult human teeth classified?

  12. Briefly describe the principle and function of CAMERA, mention its essential parts along with brief companison with an eye.

  13. Explain briefly, the formation of day and night. How do seasonal variations occur on our earth?

  14. Differentiate between any five of the following:
    (a) Thermoplastics and Thermosetting Plastics
    (b) Lunar eclipse and solar eclipse
    (c) Asteroid and meteorite
    (d) Renewable and non-Renewable energy resources
    (e) Endothermic and exothermic reactions
    (f) Star and Planet
    (g) Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion

  15. Fill in the blanks with correct scientific terms:
    (a) ____ are biological catalysts which have multiple function in the body.
    (b) The difference between electrical charges at the two ends of a conductor is called ____ .
    (c) The branch of Zoology which deals with the study of insects is called ____ .
    (d) Electric Current is measured by an ____ .
    (e) Dry ice is solid ____ .
    (f) Fuels formed from animal and plant matter that lived thousands of years ago are known as ____ .
    (g) Light with larger wavelength than that of the red colour is called ____ .
    (h) Penicillin was discovered by ____ .
    (i) Medulla Oblongata connects the ____ with the spinal chord.
    (j) The pH of normal human blood is _____ .
