Everyday Science CSS Paper 2004

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Write short notes on any two of the following: a. superconductivity b. Night Vision Technology c. Seismograph

  2. Briefly write down characteristics of: a. Mercury b. Pluto

  3. Name:
    a. The desert mammal which does not drink water……
    b. The mixture which can dissolve platinum…….
    c. The constituent elements of Bronze………
    d. The vitamin whose deficiency causes a disease called beriberi………….
    e. The electrical device which transform voltage………….
    f. A nuclear reaction in which two or more than two lighter nuclear are fused together to form a relatively heavier one : nuclear fusion
    g. The purest naturally occurring crystalline form of carbon………..
    h. The hormone secreted by adrenal cortex…………..
    i. The three colours combination which produces the sensation of white light………….
    j. The defect of vision because of which a person cannot see distant objects clearly………..

  4. What are fertilizers ? what do you understand by the term NPK fertilizer? How do fertilization contribute to the pollution?

  5. Write briefly about any five of the following:
    a. Nuclear radiation b. Theodolite c. Dialysis d. Enrichment of Uranium e. Richter Scale f. Aqua regia g. Iodized salt

  1. Which physical quantities are measured by the following units?
    a. Rutherford b. Torr c. Fermi d. Svedberg unit e. Dioptre f. Mho g. Henry h. Maxwell i. Becquerel j. Kilo watt hour

  2. What are the various sources of energy ? How does energy is produced in the surface of the sun ? what will be the future of the sun ?

  3. Which are the following statements true and which are false ?
    a. A six feet tall lady can see her full image in a three feet Plane Mirror
    b. Vanadium, a steel gray corrosion resistant metal occur naturally in oxide state
    c. Fibre optics cable carries data in the form of light
    d. Blue flame is hotter than red flame
    e. The falling of yellow leaves during autumn is the seasonal time for plants to get rid of accumulated wastes
    f. Friction is necessary evil
    g. There are 9.5 x 1015 m in one light year.
    h. The velocity of a moving object is least where the pressure is greatest
    i. Heat reaches earth from the sun by means of convection
    j. Meningitis is the inflammation of liver

  4. Differentiate between the following pairs
    a. periscope & pyrometer
    b. cell & battery
    c. perimeter & altimeter
    d. pelage and plumage
    e. smog and smoke

  5. fill in the blanks
    a. the largest planet of solar system is _____
    b. the temperature of the dead human body on Celsius scale is ___
    c. For a large span of a long jump, two things are taken into account viz i angle with which one jumps and ii ____
    d. the number of the spinal nerves in the man is ____ pairs
    e. a primary cell can ___ be charged again
    f. Halos around the moon are formed because of the phenomenon of ___
    g. Scattering of light ___ the duration of the day
    h. Muscle stiffness is caused by a disease called ___
    i. Oil rises in a wick of oil lamp on account of a property of matter called ___
    j. Muslim scientist Ali al Tabari is famous for his work on ___

  1. Give scientific reason of the following
  2. rain water is more fertile than water from tube well
  3. the man-hole covers are generally round
  4. clothes of a moving dancer bulge
  5. peoples are advised not to stand near a fast moving train
  6. the image of a tree looks inverted on the bank of a lake

  7. why are the scientists worried about the increase of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere ? is there any possible benefit for the mankind in case of global warming ?

  8. what do the following scientific abbreviations stand for?
    a. STP b. ATP c. PNP d. LAN e. KWh f. BTU g. LDL h. ROM i. MAF j. SONAR

  9. Match the column A and B but write the answers serial wise in column C

S.No. Column A Column B Column C
A Frank whittle Fission C
B Addison Electricity
C Hahn Genetics
D Mendel Lightning conductor
E Benjamin Franklin Semiconductor
F Bardeen & Brattin Uncertainty principle
G Heisenberg Jet engine
H Fermi Cyclotron I Length
I Lawrence Electromagnetic waves
J Maxwell Hertz Fusion

Column C

  1. Choose the best choice in the following statements

  2. the three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are : a. N, P, K b. N, C, P c N, K, C d N, S, P

  3. the most abundant element in the human body is : a. Carbon b. Hydrogen c. Oxygen d. Nitrogen

  4. ammonium nitrate is not used for : a. Rice crop b. wheat crop c. sugarcane crop d. cotton crop

  5. sea divers use a mixture of gases for breathing during diving. The mixture is : a. 80% He & 20%O2 b. 80% N2 & 20% O2 c. 20%O2 & 40% N2 40% CO2 d. 50% He & 50% O2

  6. Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin a. Niacin b. Ascorbic acid c. trypsin d. riboflavin

  7. Which of the following enzymes bring about hydrolysis of fats ? a. urease b. zymase c. maltase d. lipase

  8. the solution of which acid is used for seasoning of food : a. formic acid b. acetic acid c. benzoic acid d. botanic acid

  9. influenza is caused by : a. fungi b. bacteria c. virus d. protozoa

  10. the blood glucose level is raised by the following except : a. carbohydrates b. cholesterol c. insulin d. epinephrine

  11. The energy possessed by water in a dam is : a. Electrical energy b. Kinetic energy
