Forestry CSS Paper 2000


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All question carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. Avoid writing irrelevant material. Organize your write up.

1. Define Silviculture. Enlist various silvicultural operations. Briefly explain that operation which yields maximum intermediate income.

2. What are the Principles of Forest Management? How shall you ensure sustained production and how shall you increase production potential?

3. Write short essays on the following:
a. Yield/Management Tables
b. Chain/triangular survey
c. Silvo grazing
d. Forest roads
e. Wood seasoning.

4. What measures shall you take to promote farm-friendly wildlife in agricultural ecosystem? What role can Agro forestry plan in this regard? What role is this farm-friendly wild-life expected to play in our farming system?

5. Name various Forest Types of Pakistan. Describe in some detail the one which, in your opinion, has utmost watershed value. What changes shall you propose for its betterment?

6. How can you put new life and increase vigor in Forestry Sector? Suggest a few major strategic policy and legislative measures in this regard.

7. Write an essay on efficient utilisation of large timber in general and small logs in particular.


8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

(A) Fill in the blanks:

1. When individual scattered trees of desired size from all over the forest are filled for regenerating new tree seedlings in small patches, it is called _____________.

2. Vegetatively sprouted tree crops from stumps of recently filled trees is called _____________.

3. A pocket size surveying instrument for estimating tree height and slope angles is called _____________.

4. A method of selecting a sample tree from a forest in such a way that each and every tree has equal chance of being selected is called _____________.

5. A sketch of a forest area indicating its various blocks, their tree species, their age and their volume, etc. is called _____________.

6. A written document about a forest describing its past history, climate, soil, natural vegetation, management objectives and proposed plan of action, etc. is called _____________.

7. One of the major defects of wood is that it is not equally strong in various directions; this defect is called _____________.

8. When wood seasoning is regulated in closed chamber so that shrinkage occurs with minimum degrade, it is called _____________.

9. The application of toxic chemicals to non-durable timbers for prolonging their service life is called _____________.

10. Crude unbleached pulp obtained from digested wood chips is made into brown boards which are commonly used for box or shelf making; these are called _____________.

(B) Select the correct answer:

11. Annual growth layers/rings in a tree bole indicate:
a. Tree height b. Bole girth c. Tree age d. Presence of sap or heart wood in the bole e. None of these

12. A forest tree matures when:
a. It produces flower and seeds b. Inner core of its bole becomes dark brown and black c. Outer bark becomes thick and develops deep fissures d. It fulfills the purpose for which it was planted e. None of these

13. Integrated land use means when 2 or more crops are grown in one field:
a. At one time simultaneously as mixture b. One after the other in a rotation c. Partially overlapping each other as relay crops d. As combination of all above arrangements e. None of these

14. A multi-purpose tree is one which:
a. Is compatible with other species and various oils b. Provides effective shelter to crops and animals c. Yields maximum fuel wood as well as good quality timber d. Meets a number of equally important purposes e. None of these

15. A dominant tree is one which:
a. Itself casts shade on neighboring tree b. Is free from shade of other trees either on top or on sides c. Does not receive any shade on top but may receive shade on sides d. Is tallest with widely extended crown having many extra large limbs e. None of these

16. Which tree species is reputed as salt tolerant:
a. Bombyx ceiba = Simal b. Dalbergia sisscoo = Shishma c. Pinus roxburghii = Chil d. Eucalyptus comaldulensis = Safaida e. None of these

17. Which tree species yields straight grained, light yellow pleasant smelling timber popularly used for making quality doors/windows:
a. Morus a 1ba = Toot b. Bombyx ceiba = Simal c. Cedrus deodara = Deodar d. Pinus roxburghii = Chil e. None of these

18. Which tree species has true needle leaves:
a. Pinus Wallichiana = Kail b. Tamarix aphylla = Farash/Pharwan/Ukaan/Khaggal c. Acacia modesta = Phulai d. Cosuarina aculeata = Casuarina e. None of these

19. The Mangrove Forests of Pakistan are:
a. Extensive in area, dense, high, rich in species diversity b. Restricted along coastal belt, rather open, scrubby, very poor in species diversity c. Restricted along coastal belt, rather open, scrubby, very rich in species diversity d. Extensive in area, rather dense having dwarf grass vegetation palatable to marine fauna, poor in species diversity e. None of these

20. Proposed dam or river Indus at Kalabagh is an:
a. Irrigation – water storage project only b. Hydel energy – generating project only c. Recreation and fresh water fish production project d. Irrigation-cum-energy project e. None of these
