General Science and Ability CSS Paper 2022


NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.


Q 1 (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20 x 1 = 20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered.

1 Which one can be considered as the unit of distance?
(A) Foot Path (B) Heavy year (C) Light Year (D) None of these

2 Which one is not a planet?
(A) Earth (B) Venus (C) Moon (D) None of these

3 In which direction does the Earth rotate on its axis?
(A) East to West (B) West to East (C) North to South (D) None of these

4 Which one can be considered in representing the geographical coordinate system?
(A) Aptitude (B) Latitude (C) Altitude (D) None of these

5 Which part of a body will be affected mainly by Flouride Pollution?
(A) Brain (B) Liver (C) Teeth (D) None of these

6 How can we symbolically write the Ozone Gas?
(A) O2 (B) O3 (C) CO2 (D) None of these

7 Which of the following is not an electromagnetic wave?
(A) Sound waves (B) Radio waves (C) Light waves (D) None of these

8 For what terminology is the abbreviation GPS being used globally?
(A) Geo Pakistan System (B) Global Positioning System (C) Google Path System (D) None of these

9 Plotting of the vibrations caused by an earthquake on a paper is called?
(A) Photograph (B) Earthograph (C) Seismograph (D) None of these

10 What is the scientific name of the atoms of the same element with different mass number?
(A) Subshells (B) Isotopes (C) Orbitals (D) None of these

11 Combining of two non-metal atoms by sharing one or more pairs of electron is called?
(A) Ionic Bond (B) Covalent Bond (C) Metal Bond (D) None of these

12 Which method may not be considered as a food preservation method?
(A) Freezing (B) Irradiation (C) Sleeping (D) None of these

13 What does RNA stand for?
(A) Ribonucleic Acid (B) Russian National Assembly (C) Red Nitric Acid (D) None of these

14 Deficiency of iron in the human diet causes:
(A) Hepatitis (B) Malaria (C) Anemia (D) None of these

15 Which of the following is not a part of quantities used to discuss the computer memory?
(A) Bite (B) Bit (C) Byte (D) None of these

16 Which of the following cannot be considered as a renewable source of energy?
(A) Petroleum (B) Wind (C) Solar (D) None of these

17 Which of the following may be said to be the most harmful radiation emitted by the sun?
(A) Infrared (B) Viable light (C) Ultra violet (D) None of these

18 Covid-19 is caused by:
(A) Bacteria (B) Virus (C) Injection (D) None of these

19 Which one of the following may be considered as a factor having influence on intelligence?
(A) Hereditary (B) Dressing (C) Smiling (D) None of these

20 Which of is not a part of a cell phone structure?
(A) LCD (B) Battery (C) Water (D) None of these


Q. 2. (a) What do you know about Volcanoes? Discuss the causes and effects of volcanic eruptions. (5)
(b) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Briefly explain wind energy, solar energy and biofuels. (5)
(c) What is a Tornado? How is it formed and what are the effects of tornadoes? Explain briefly. (5)
(d) Discuss various factors which affect the variations in the climate of a place. (5)(20)

Q. 3. (a) Discuss Vaccination, types of Vaccines, their side-effects and effectiveness. (5)
(b) What is Polio? Discuss its symptoms, causes of spreading, prevention and vaccine. (5)
(c ) What do you understand by the DNA and RNA? (5)
(d) What is Solid Waste? Discuss the main issues of Solid Waste Management in our country? (5)(20)

Q. 4. (a) Define the term Water Pollution. What indicators are used to measure the quality of water? (5)
(b) What do you understand by the term Population Planning? Point out the different benefits of Population Planning. (5)
(c ) Discuss the possible negative effects that Pakistan may face due to Global Warming and Climate Change. What steps may be helpful to control the climate change? (5)
(d) What is Radioactivity? Differentiate between natural and artificial radioactivity. (5)(20)

Q. 5. (a) What do you understand by the term Remote Sensing? Write its basic principle. Give its important applications. (5)
(b) Explain the Optical Fiber. Explain how Fiber Optic Communication works? (5)
(c ) Briefly explain the working and structure of a Cell Phone. (5)
(d) Explain Artificial Intelligence. What do you understand by the term Robotics? (5)(20)


Q. 6. (a) For his morning walk Aslam went 110 meters towards east from his house and then turned right to keep walking for 40 meters before turning right again. After continuing to walk for 50 more meters, he turned right again and kept walking for another 120 meters before he sat down on a bench at the park. How far was the bench located from his house? (5)
(b) The income of a company decreased by 10% and 15% in two successive years. What is the percentage of decrease in income after two years? (5)
(c ) What do you understand by Mental Ability Scales? Differentiate between Aptitude and Intelligence? (5)
(d) Discuss the factors affecting Intelligence. (5)(20)

Q. 7. (a) The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 273. That are the three odd numbers? (5)

(b) Find the missing number in the given series.
(i) 4, 16, 36, 64, ?, 144. (ii) 30, 29, 27, ?, 20, 15 (iii) 1, 7, 15, 25, ?, 51 (iv) 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ? (v) 48, 24, 72, 35, 108, ? (5)

(c ) Find out the correct word from the given jumbled spellings.
(i) THRSI (ii) GNDREA (iii) SCHAMOT (iv) ONLNDO (v) HIODALY (5)

(d) Sara’s mother is 6 times older than Sara, where as her brother Ali is twice as old as Sara. In three years’ time the sum of their ages will be 72. How old are Sara, Ali and their mother now? (5)(20)

Q. 8. (a) What do you understand by Sampling? Discuss Non-Probability Sampling. (5)
(b) Aslam is willing to use the stylish ceramics tiles in the lounge of his under-construction house. The shape of the tile is a right triangle, having the lengths of two legs of 12 cm and 4 cm. Each tile costs Rs. 15. How much will it cost to fill the lounge of 8 meters length and 6 meters width with these tiles? (5)
(c ) During a sale a clerk was putting new price tags on each item. On one sweater, he accidentally raised the price by 20%, instead of lowering the price by 20%. As a result the price on the tag was Rs. 80 too high. What was the original price of the sweater? (5)
(d) If in a certain language, BROTHER is written as QDGSNQA, then in the same language, SISTER would be written as —–? (5)(20)

Q1 MCQs – Answers
1 (C) Light Year 2 (C) Moon 3 (B) West to East 4 (B) Latitude 5 (C) Teeth 6 (B) O3 7 (A) Sound waves 8 (B) Global Positioning System 9 (C) Seismograph 10 (B) Isotopes 11 (B) Covalent Bond 12 (C) Sleeping 13 (A) Ribonucleic Acid 14 (C) Anemia 15 (A) Bite 16 (A) Petroleum 17 (C) Ultra violet 18 (B) Virus 19 (A) Hereditary 20 (C) Water