Geographical Sobriquets

A sobriquet is a nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another and being descriptive in nature. Distinct from a pseudonym, it typically is a familiar name used in place of a real name without the need of explanation, often becoming more familiar than the original name.

SobriquetReal Name
America’s MotorCity Detroit
Bengal’s SorrowDamodar River (India)
Blue MountainsNilgiri Hills (India)
Britain of the SouthNew Zealand
Britain of the SouthNew Zealand
China’s SorrowRiver Hwang Ho
China’s SorrowHwang Ho River
City of Golden GateSan Francisco
City of Dreaming SpiresOxford (England)
City of Eternal SpringsQuito (South America)
City of FlowersCape Town (South Africa)
City of Golden GateSan Francisco (USA)
City of Golden TempleAmritsar (India)
City of Magnificient BuildingsWashington (USA)
City of PalacesKolkata (India)
City of QuietThoroughfares Venice
City of Seven HillsRome (Italy)
City of seven hillsRome
City of SkyscrapersNew York (USA)
Cockpit of EuropeBelgium
Cockpit of EuropeBelgium
Dairy of Northern EuropeDenmark
Dark ContinentAfrica
Dark ContinentSouth Africa
Emerald IsleIreland
Emeralds IsleIreland
Empire CityNew York
Empire CityNew York
Eternal City of HopesRome, Italy
Forbidden CityLhasa (Tibet)
Forbidden CityLhasa
Garden CityChicago
Garden in the desertEthiopia
Garden of EnglandKent (England)
Gate of tearsStrait of bab-el-Mandeb
Gateway of IndiaMumbai
George Cross IslandMalta
Gibraltar of IndianOcean Aden
Gift of NileEgypt
Gift of the NileEgypt
Golden CityJohannesburg
Granite CityAberdeen, Scotland
Hanging ValleysValley of Switzerland
Hermit KingdomKorea
Herring PondAtlantic Ocean
Herring PondAtlantic Ocean
Holy LandJerusalem
Holy MountainFujiyama (Japan)
Human Equator of the EarthHimalayas
Iceland of FireIceland
Iceland of PerlBahrain
Island ContinentAustralia
Island of ClovesZanzibar
Island of Pearlsbahrain (Persian Gulf)
Islands of SpringsJamaica
Islands of SunshineWest Indies
Kashmir of EuropeSwitzerland
Key to MediterraneanGibraltar
Land of cakesScotland
Land of Five RiversPunjab, India
Land of Five SeasSouth West Asia
Land of Flying FishBarbados
Land of Golden FleeceAustralia
Land of Golden PagodaMyanmar
Land of HummingbirdTrinidad
Land of KangarooAustralia
Land of LakesScotland
Land of LiliesCanada
Land of MapleCanada
Land of MarbleItaly
Land of Midnight SunNorway
Land of Million ElephantsLaos
Land of Morning CalmKorea
Land of Rising SunJapan
Land of Setting SunUnited Kingdom
Land of the midnight sunNorway
Land of Thousand LakesFinland
land of ThunderboltBhutan
Land of White ElephantThailand
Loneliest IslandTristan De Gumha (Mid. Atlantic)
Manchester of JapanOsaka (Japan)
New WorldAmerica
Pillars of HerculesStraits of Gibraltar
Pink CityJaipur, India
Play Ground of EuropeSwitzerland
Quaker CityPhiladelphia
Queen of the AdriaticVenice
River in the SeaGulf Stream
Roof of the WorldThe pamirs (Tibet)
Sickman of EuropeTurkey
Spice Iceland of the westGreece
Sugar Bowl of the worldCuba
Venice of the EastBangkok
Venice of the NorthStockholm
White CityBelgrade
Windy CityChicago
Workshop of EuropeBelgium
World’s Loneliest IslandTristan Da Cunha
Yellow RiverRiver Hwang Ho (China)
