Geography CSS Paper I 2007

Federal Public Service Commission
Competitive Examination for
Recruitment to posts in BPS-17 under
The federal government, 2007
Geography Paper I

TIME ALLOWED Part-I 30: Minutes Maximum Marks 20
Part-II: 2 hours & 30 Minutes Maximum marks 80

Q1. Write an essay on the heating and cooling of the surface of the earth

Q2. Which prominent areas experience either of the climate type? Give the characteristics of the climate type along with the associated economic activities. Mediterranean type or Monsoon type?

Q3. Discuss the origin and characteristics of the landforms produced by glaciers

Q4. Provide a brief account of fluvial cycle of erosion?

Q5. What are ocean currents? Discuss the different factors contributing in their occurrence and also describe their effect on the surrounding areas?

Q6. What causes the rise and fall of tides? What celestial bodies are most important in determining tides?

Q7. What are topographical maps? Write in detail on the features presented on such maps.

Q-8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer book. Do not reproduce question.

1) Average monthly temprature of a place can be represente by means of
(a) Bar Graph (b) line graph (c) pie graph (d) graduated circle (e) None of these

2) Hanging valleys are formed by the action of
(a) Wind (b) Running water (c) Moving Ice (d) None of these

3) Dendritic pattern of drainage is:
(a) Rectangular in shape (b) Radial in shape (c) like the tree with branches (d) None of these

4) Lines joining places having equal rainfall are :
(a) Iso-baths (b) Contours (c) Iso-hyets (d) Iso-bars

5) The most common rock found on earth is
(a) Marble (b) granite (c) Basalt (d) None of these

6) The wind which reverses seasonally is known as ___________ wind
(a) Trade (b) Monsoon (c) Cyclone (d) Polar

7) Karst region origionally a landscape located in :
(a) Belgium (b) Greece (c) Former Yugoslavia (d) None of these

8) The earliest period of geological history is:
(a) Permian (b) Pre-Cambrian (c) Cambrian (d) Tertiary

9) Which of the following are considered to be the primary rock:
(a) sedimentary (b) Metamorphic (c) igneous (d) Argilleceous

10) What is the point of an earth quake called:
(a) Quakecentre (b) Epicentre (c) Siesmic focus (d) Tectonic point

11) Eprogeny is a result of:
(a) Vertical earth movements (b) Horizontal earth movements (c) Mass movements (d) None of these

12) What is the name given to a plateau surrounded by mountains:
(a) piedmont plateau (b) intermountain plateau (c) mountain plateau (d) raised plateau

13) The dust bowl of North American has been caused by:
(a) glacial deposition (b) wind erosion (c) wind deposition (d) shifting cultivation

14) Ideal cycle of erosion was first suggested by:
(a) De Martonne (b) B.W Sparks (c) W.M Davis (d) W. Penck

15) What does the term loess refers to:
(a) River borne material (b) Fine wind deposited material (c) fine glacial material (d) fine wave deposited material

16) An Avalanche is a mass of glacial debris transported to the sea:
(a) Mass of snow and rocks moving down slope under gravity (b) Broad crack in the upper paart of glacier (c) steep rock in the coastal are made by wave erosion (d) None of these.

17) What is meant by Hamada:
(a) An extensive flat rocky surface in desert (b) A Costal lowland eroded by glaciers (c) A plain surface in the karst region (d) A depositional part of pediplain.

18) The direction of rotation of the earth on its axis is from:
(a) North to south (b) South to north (c) East to west (d) West to east

19) On which date is the earth perihelion:
(a) june 21 (b) December 22 (c) January 03 (d) July 04

20) What is the most accurate description of the shape of the earth:
(a) A Circle (b) A Sphere (c) A Geoid (d) An absolute sphere