Geography CSS Paper I 2012


Geography Paper I

Part I (MCQs)

1) METAMORPHIC rock in which the minerals are lined up parallel to each other is referred as:
a) Foliated b) Lithified c) Clastic d) None of these

2) The equatorial westerlies spread across south-east Asia from?
a) Pacific ocean b) Indian ocean c) Atlantic ocean d) None of these

3) The continental anticyclone of Siberia and northern Canada originate:
a) Warm air mass b) Occluded air mass c) Cold air mass d) None of these

4) Study which relates to evolution of land forms is called:
a) Mycorrlizel b) Ecology c) Geomorphology d) None of these

5) Rainfall caused by air rising up the slopes of mountains is termed as:
a) Conventional b) Orographic c) Conductional d) None of these

6) The receding of falling tide, i.e. after high tide and before low tide is known as:
a) Ebb b) Neap c) Spring d) None of these

7) Uvalva , dolines and poije are associated with:
a) Scree region b) Hummoky region c) Karst region d) None of these

8) Mediterranean climate region lies between:
a) 35-45 degree N & S Lat. b) 40-50 degree N & S Lat. c) 50-60 degree N & S Lat. d) None of these

9) When the source of light is in the Centre of the globe then it is referred to:
a) Zenithal sereographic projection b) Zenithal orthographic projection c) Zenithal gnomic projection d) None of these

10) “Statistics” for geographers is authored by:
a) P. Hagget b) S. Gregory c) F. Scholz d) None of these

11) Meandering is derived from a river Meander of:
a) Poland b) Turkey c) France d) None of these

12) Which of the following is not a low cloud:
a) Cumulo-nimbus b) Cirrostratus c) Stratus d) None of these

13) Jet streams are common in :
a) Plateaus b) Atmosphere c) Oceans d) None of these

14) Which of the following is not affecting the visibility:
a) Dew b) Fog c) Haze d) None of these

15) The oldest map showing location of river is Euphrates is a clay tablet dating back:
a) 288 BC b) 388 BC c) 488 BC d) None of these

16) Humboldt current is washing coastline of:
a) Argentine & Uruguay b) Angola & Namibia c) Chile & Peru d) None of these

17) Depth of sea and ocean is reckoned by:
a) Meters b) Fathoms c) Feet d) None of these

18) Isohyet is a line passing the places having equal:
a) Height above the sea level b) Sunshine c) Rainfall d) None of these

19) Scale graticule and purpose are indicatives of:
a) Gradient b) Map c) Earth quake d) None of these

20) Which of the following represents seasonal winds:
a) Trades b) Westerlies c) Monsoon d) None of these

Part II

Q.2. Bring out scientific definition of rock and highlight the process and degree of metamorphism with explicit examples.

Q.3. Evaluate physical weathering and its occurrences in different climate areas over the globe.

Q.4. Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena.

Q.5. Illustrate and suggest merits of dot method while handling demographic data of Pakistan.

Q.6. Present glaciated morphology through various stages.

Q.7. Discuss salient features of Western European type of climate with its impact on experiencing societies.

Q.8. Write short notes on any two f the following.
(i) Tectonic Plates (ii) Block mountains. (iii) International dateline (iv) Isostasy
