Geography CSS Paper II 2013


Geography Paper II



(1) Population Geography emerged as a distinct subject in:
(a) 1946 (b) 1950 (c)1953 (d) None of these

(2) ___ was the first to plead case for Population Geography in annual meeting of AAG
(a)Hooson (b) Clarke (c) Zelinski (d) None of These

(3) Population Geography is an allied field of:
(a) Sociology (b) Demography (c) Anthropology (d) None of These

(4) As _____ Science, Population Geography heavily depends on statistical data.
(a) Social (b) Physical (c) Empirical (d) None of these

(5) When an enumerator collects the data himself, then it is called as:
(a) primary data (b) meta data (c) Tertiary Data (d) None

(6) In Census when people are counted where they are found at the time of census is called:
(a) De-facto (b) De-jure (c) De La Santa (d) None

(7) The arithmetic density of population is merely the:
(a) Land to people ratio (b) Man to land ratio (c) Resource to people ratio (d) None

(8) In terms of Population size, Pakistan is _____ largest country of the world.
(a) 6th (b) 8th (c) 11th (d) None

(9) The Continuous Data pertaining to population can be had from:
(a) Sample Surveys (b) Census (c) Vital Registration System (d) None

(10) ____ is a measure of population distribution
(a) Masculinity (b) Density (c) Fecundity (d) None

(11) The Vedic age in South Asia began in 1500 BC with the migration of Indo-Aryans from the:
(a) Potwar Plateau (b) Tibetan Plateau (c) Iranian Plateau (d) None

(12) Hamun-i-Mushkal is a ______ lake in Balochistan:
(a) Playa (b) Ox Bow (c) Man-Made (d) None

(13) The Hills made of sand and clay near Sargodha and Chiniot are:
(a) Nilgri Hills (b) Palnai Hills (c) Kairana Hills (d) None

(14) Thimphu is the capital of:
(a) India (b) Bangladesh (c) Bhutan (d) None

(15) The area between Jhelum and Indus River is called the:
(a) Rachna Doab (b) Sindh-Sagar Doab (c)Bari Doab (d) None

(16) Most of parts of South Asia Countries experience _____ type of rainfall:
(a) Monsoon (b) Convectional (c) Cyclone (d) None

(17) _____ is called the Switzerland of Asia:
(a) The Valley of Peshawar (b) The Valley of Kashmir (c) The Swat Valley (d) None

(18) ______ largely determines the type of vegetation in South Asia:
(a) Rainfall (b) Topography (c) Altitude (d) None

(19) The type of soil found in the Indo-Gangetic plain is called:
(a) Desert Soil (b) Saline Soil (c) Alluvial (d) None

(20) ______ requires more water than any other crop of South Asia:
(a) Cotton (b) Sugar Cane (c) Paddy (d) None

Part II

2- Is there any relation between the ‘Holy Quran and Geography? explain your ideas in detail.

3 Which factors effect the distribution of population in the world? Elaborate

4 What is the importance of iron and steel industry? How it plays a major role in the development of any country?

5 Draw a map of Pakistan and show physical features in it.

7 Fresh water shortage is a future threat for Pakistan. Discuss

8 Write notes on any two
(a) The green Revolution

(b) The Golden Corridor

(c) Energy crisis in Pakistan

(d) Causes of rural-urban migration in the world

Q 1 MCQs Answers

1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (b) 11 (c) 12 (a) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (b) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (c)
