Geography KP PMS Paper II 2022


Competitive examination for the post of

Provisional Management services 2022 (BPS-17)

Geography Paper II

Time allowed 03 Hours. Max: Marks 100

Note: Attempt ony Five Questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

1 Discuss the major Factors Responsible for the Distribution of World Population. Quote Examples.

2 What is the difference between Rural and Urban settlements? Discuss major Urban Problems and Challenges in Less Developed Countries.

3 What do you know about the Man’s Economic Activities? Classify and explain the Man’s Economic Activities.

4 What are various Agricultural Systems? Discuss with reference to Extensive versus Intensive Subsistence and Mixed Farming.

5 What is the importance of Fishing as an Economic Activity? Give a Geographical account of major Fishing Grounds in the World.

6 Analyse the Spatial Distribution of Equatorial Rain Forest and its Economic Significance.

7 What do you know about Power Resources? Give a detail account of Coal in Pakistan.

8 Write Short notes on any TWO of the following:
a. “CPEC” a game changer
b. indus Plain: Important Physiographic Unit
c. Textile industry in Pakistan
d. Environmentalism and Possibilism

