Geography Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus

PAPER- I Total Marks: 100


1. The Universe:-

The solar system and the Earth. Earth‟s Origin, shape and size, rotation and revolution, distribution of land and water. Geological time scale.

2. Lithosphere:-

Composition and internal structure of the Earth, Rocks-origin, formation and types (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic), plate tectonics, mountain building geomorphic processes internal and external, earthquakes, volcanic activity, weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition, cycle of erosion; landforms produced by surface water, ground water, wind and glaciers.

3. Elements of weather and climate:-

Insolation, global radiation and heat balance, atmospheric temperature, compositon and structure of atmosphere, atomosheric pressure and winds air masses and fronts (classification, distribution and associated weather), cyclones, tornadoes, thunderstorms and weather disturbances. Hydrological cycle. Atmospheric moisture and precipitation. Climatic classification: Koppen‟s classification with special reference to the following types: Af, Am, Bsh, Csa and Dfc. Atmospheric pollution global warming.

4 Hydrosphere:-

Configuration of ocean floor, ocean deposits. Composition, temperature and salinity of ocean water, movements of the ocean water, waves, currents and tides.

5 Biosphere:-

Origin and evolution of life on Earth (with reference to Geological time scale). Formation and types of soils. Eco-Systems and world major Biomes.

6. Study of Maps

Topographical Maps, Aerial Photographs and introduction to Remote Sensing, Weather maps of Pakistan.

Map projection general principles, classification of network by simple graphic methods of the following projections.

Cylindrical, Simple, Equal Area and MerCator‟s (with table) Conical with one and two standard parallel‟s and Bonne‟s projections.Zenithal, Gnomonic Stereographic and orthographic (Polar Cases).

7. Scales: types and their use:-

8. Methods of representation of relief:-

Drawing of composite contour maps with the help of given data and information preparation of distribution maps with the help of symbols line-bar-shade dot and circle. Simple quantitative techniques and their use in geography. Study of frequency distribution average‟s (mean median and mode), Mean deviation, standard deviation and correlation. Index numbers and time series.


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2. Gabbler, R.E, Sager, R.J and Wise, D.L (1997) “Essentials of Physical Geography” Fourth Edition. Saunders College Publishing, New York.

3. Scott, R.C. (1996) “ Introduction to physical geography” West Publishing Co., New York.

4. Miller, G.T. (1996) “Living in the Environment, Principles, Connections and solutions”, Ninth Edition, Wadsworth.

5. Thurman, H.V. & Mexrill (1996) “ Essentials of Oceanography” Manson, London.

6. Diwan A.P. & D.K. Arora (1995) “ Origin of the Ocean” Anmol Publisher, Delhi.

7. Mcuveen (1992) “Fundamentals of Weather and Climate” Prentice Hall New Hrsey.

8. Kendrew (1961): “Climate of the continents” Longman, London. New York.

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19.Christopherson, R.W. (2000) “Geo-Systems” USA, Prentice –Hall, Inc.

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21.Taylor, J. (1993) “Integral Physical Geography” London, Longman.

22.Mcliveen, J.F.R. (1991) “Fundamentals of Weather and Climate London” Chapman & Hall.

23.Thompson, R.D. et. Al (1986) “Process in Physical Geography” London, Longman.

24.Miller, E.W. (1985) “Physical Geography” Columbus, Charles E. Merrill.

25.King CAM (1980) “ Physical Geography” Oxford, Basil Blackwell.