Geology CSS Paper I 2013

Geology, PAPER – I
Part I : Time Allowed: 30 Minutes ………. .. ..Maximum Marks:20
Part II : Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes ………… ..Maximum Marks:80

Q.1. (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Circle on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20×1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere, other than OMR Answer Sheet, shall not be considered.

1. According to the principle of uniformitarianism:
(a) Geologic processes we observe today have operated in the past (b) Geologic process in the past operated at the same rate as they do today (c) All of the planets formed from a uniform solar nebula
(d) Early earth was covered by a uniform magma ocean (e) None of these

2. Metamorphic rocks are changed rocks. Which of the following rock types could be the “parent” of a metamorphic rock?
(a) Sedimentary (b) Igneous (c) Metamorphic (d) All of these (e) None of these

3. Approximately how fast does an Earth lithospheric plate move?
(a) Several centimetres per year (b) Several centimetres per day (c) Several centimetres per hour (d) Several centimetres per second (e) None of these

4. Minerals:
(a) Can form by life-processes—organic (b) Are crystalline solids (c) Have a unique chemical composition(d) Can be any state (solid, liquid or gas) as long as that state occurs naturally (e) None of these

5. Features useful in defining plate boundaries include all except:
(a) Shorelines between continents and oceans (b) Distribution of volcanoes (c) Distribution of earthquakes (d) Distribution of mountain ranges (e) All are correct

6. The age of the earth is currently thought to be:
(a) About 6,000 years old (b) About 6 billion years old (c) About 4,500,000 years old (d) About 4,500,000,000 years old (e) None of these

7. Volcanism is associated with which of the following types of plate boundaries?
(a) Convergent plate boundaries (b) Divergent plate boundaries (c) Transform fault plate boundaries (d) Divergent and Convergent plate boundaries (e) None of these

8.A clastic rock is:
(a) A rock formed from the cementation of transported grains (b) A rock formed from evaporation of sea water (c) Transformed by heat into limestone (d) Transformed by pressure into limestone (e) None of these

9. What is the different between a breccia and a conglomerate:
(a) Breccias are coarse grained and conglomerates are fine grained (b) Conglomerates are coarse grained and breccias are fine grained (c) Breccias have rounded fragments and conglomerates have angular fragments (d) Breccias have angular fragments and conglomerates have rounded fragments (e) None of these

10.In regional metamorphism the source of increased temperature and pressure is
(a) A local intrusive heat source (b) Impact metamorphism (c) The increase in temperature with increasing depth of burial (d) Due to increase rate of radioactive decay (e) None of these

11.Which of the following statements about metamorphism of a shale is false?
(a) With increasing metamorphism, the clay minerals breakdown to form micas (b)With increasing metamorphism, the grain size of the minerals gets smaller (c) With increasing metamorphism, foliation develops (d) With increasing metamorphism, the amount of water decreases (e) None of these

12.What is the relationship between metamorphic foliation and sedimentary bedding?
(a) Sedimentary bedding is required in order for a rock to develop metamorphic foliation (b) Sedimentary bedding and metamorphic foliation are two terms for the same phenomenon (c) Sedimentary bedding and metamorphic foliation are generally parallel (d) There is no regular relationship between sedimentary bedding and metamorphic foliation (e) None of these

13.A disconformity is
(a) A rock unit that does not contain fossils (b) An erosional surface between igneous and metamorphic rocks (c) An erosional surface between horizontal sedimentary rocks (d) An erosional surface between different rock types (e) None of these

14.What is the name for an erosion surface that separates two sets of sedimentary layers with non-parallel bedding planes?
(a) Cross bedding (b) Formation (c) Fault unconformity (d) Angular unconformity (e) None of these

15. How do rock particles move during the passage of a P-wave through the rock?
(a) Back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel (b) Perpendicular to the direction of wave travel (c) In a rolling elliptical motion (d) In a rolling circular motion (e) None of these

16. Which of the following statement is false:
(a) Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries (b) The time and location of most major earthquakes can be predicted several days in advance (c) Earthquakes can be caused by normal, reverse and strike-slip faulting (d) P-waves travel faster than both S-waves and Surface waves (e) None of these

17. Which of the following statement a bout rock deformation is false?
(a) Deep crustal rocks are more likely to deform ductily than shallow crustal rocks (b) Hotter rocks are more likely to deform ductily than cooler rocks (c) Most sedimentary rocks are more deformable than igneous rocks (d) Rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to deformductily than rocks under high confining pressure (e) None of these

18. If the sedimentary rocks on a geologic map form a zigzag pattern, the underlying structure probably consists of
(a) Horizontal anticlines and synclines (b) Plunging anticlines and synclines (c) Domes and basin (d) Strike slip faults (e) None of these

19. A fault plane strikes north-south and dips steeply to the west. Geologic observations indicate that most of the fault movement was vertical and that Mesozoic rocks occur east of the fault and Paleozoic rocks occur west of the fault. What type of fault is this?
(a) Normal (b) A right lateral strike slip (c) Reverse (d) All of these (e) None of these

20. Which of the following types of tectonic forces tends to push two sides of a body in opposite directions so that they slide horizontally past one another?
(a) Tensional forces (b) Shearing forces (c) Compressive forces (d) None of these


NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(iii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iv) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered

Q. No.2. Discuss three types of collision of Plate boundaries with reference to Plate system of Pakistan. (20)

Q. No.3. How the Earthquake is located? How the destruction was made by earthquake in 2005 in Pakistan? Discuss briefly. (20)

Q. No.4. Differentiate Structural Geology and Tectonics. Enlist classification of fault based on Slip and attitude of fault and attitude of strata with brief description and diagrams. (20)

Q. No.5. Describe the tertiary succession of lower Indus Basin. (20)

Q. No.6. How minerals are classified? Discuss and en list the classification of minerals other than silicate. (20)

Q. No.7. What do you understand by Sedimentary Environment? Discuss in details the Marine environment. (20)

Q. No.8.Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (5 each) (20)
(a) Present is key to the past
(b) Stages of deformation
(c) Stratigraphy of Khewra Gorge
(d) Kinds of unconformities
(e) Mechanism of metamorphism
(f) Hardness of the minerals and scale
