Geology KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Total Marks – 200

Paper I
Marks – 100

1. General Geology: Earth as a planet, its origin and age, internal structure of the earth and lithospheric plates, internal and external geological processes such as earthquakes, volcanism, weathering, erosion and deposition, geomorphic cycles

2. Structural geology: Primary sedimentary structures, mechanical properties of rocks, description and classification of secondary structures. Structures in metamorphic rocks. Orogeny and geosynclines in plate tectonic framework. Major tectonic features of the earth. Geodynamics of Pakistan

3. Paleontology: Fossils and their preservation. Morphology, evolution and geologic distribution of major invertebrate phyla. Micropaleontology of foraminifers, vertebrate and plant fossil

4. Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic nomenclature and stratigraphic codes. Principles of correlation. Sedimentary basins in Pakistan and detailed stratigraphy of type sections

5. Mineralogy: Chemical composition of the earth crust. Minerals – their physical and chemical properties. Space lattice, symmetry classes and crystal systems. Crystal optics. Atomic structure of crystals and X-Ray diffraction. Detailed study of important rock forming minerals.

6. Petrology: Origin and evolution of magma, binary and ternary silicate systems. Description of important plutonic and volcanic associations. Sedimentary environments and processes. Petrography of major types of sedimentary rocks. Metamorphism, metamorphic zones and facies. Description of principle types of metamorphic rocks, metamorphism and magnetism in relation to plate tectonics.
