KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT: - COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVISIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) GEOLOGY PAPER - II Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100 Max: Marks: 100 Note- Attempt any Five questions. 1 Describe by hydrothermal cavity filling process o formation o0f mineral deposits. 2 Name important minerals occurring in Salt Range arid describe gypsum deposits with special reference to its mode of occurrence and quality. 3 Why the mining and mineral based industries are backward in Pakistan? Give the remedial measures.. 4 Discuss the origin and quality of Thar coal deposits and comment on their economic potential in future scenario of Pakistan.. 5 Name the landslide prone areas of Pakistan. Discuss causes of landslides and suggest remedial measures. 6 Describe the causes and extent of development of salinity in Pakistan and suggest remedial measures. 7 Which geophysical technique is suitable for oil exploration ?.. Discuss it in detail.