History of Pakistan and India CSS Paper II 2010

NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) All-India National Congress was established by:
(a) An official of the British Government (b) A British loyalist (c) British dissident (d) A retired British official (e) None of these
(ii) Kabir Das of Bakhti Movement was:
(a) A Preacher (b) A Mystic (c) A Poet (d) A Warrior (e) None of these
(iii) Kashful Mahjub was written by:
(a) Mujaddid Alf Thani (b) Syed Ali Hajveri (c) Syed Muinuddin Ajmeri (d) Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya (e) None of these
(iv) The Millenial Movement was launched against:
(a) The Mughals (b) The British (c) The Marhattas (d) The Muslims (e) None of these
(v) The East India Company owes its success in India to:
(a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Conrnwallis (c) Lord Curzon (d) Warren Hastings (e) None of these
(vi) Third battle of Panipat was fought between:
(a) British and Mughals (b) British and Sikhs (c) British and Afghans (d) Afghans and Marhattas (e) None of these
(vii) Syed Ahmad Shaheed launched his Jihad Movement against:
(a) The Christians (b) The Sikhs (c) The Hindus (d) The Hypocrites (e) None of these
(viii) The Faraidi Movement was launched in:
(a) Bengal (b) Hyderabad (c) Kashmir (d) Maharashatra (e) None of these
(ix) Hazrat Mahal who fought during the War of Independence 1857 against the British was:
(a) Queen of Jhansi (b) Ruler of Jodhpur (c) Begum of Nizam of Hyderabad (d) Begum of Awadh (e) None of these
(x) Darul Uloom Deoband was founded in:
(a) 1865 (b) 1855 (c) 1875 (d) 1857 (e) None of these
(xi) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got his early education from:
(a) MAO College, Aligarh (b) St. Patrick High School, Bombay (c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam, Karachi (d) Islamia College, Lahore (e) None of these
(xii) The Simla Deputation of 1906 was led by:
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Nawab Salimullah Khan (c) Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk (d) Sir Agha Khan (e) None of these
(xiii) Delhi Muslim Proposals were presented in:
(a) 1927 (b) 1925 (c) 1930 (d) 1932 (e) None of these
(xiv) One of the main points of Jinnah’s 14 points was Muslim’s representation in the Central Legislature equal to:
(a) Half of the members (b) 2/3 of the members (c) 1/3 of the members (d) 1/4 of the members (e) None of these
(xv) The inaugural session of Pakistan’s First Constituent Assembly was chaired by:
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Liaquat Ali Khan (c) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar (d) J.N. Mandal (e) None of these
(xvi) The First Chief Minister of West Pakistan Province in 1955 was:
(a) Abdul Qaiym Khan (b) Dr. Khan Sahib (c) Malik Feroz Khan Noon (d) Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy (e) None of these
(xvii) The First Indigenous Constitution was given to Pakistan by:
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Liaquat Ali Khan (c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (d) Chaudhri Muhammad Ali (e) None of these
(xviii) In September 1958 the Deputy Speaker was killed in the provincial assembly of:
(a) Bengal (b) Punjab (c) N.W.F.P. (d) Sindh (e) None of these
(xix) In the 1970-71 general elections which party got the majority seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan:
(a) Pakistan Peoples Party (b) Pakistan Muslim League (c) Awami League (d) National Awami Party (e) None of these
(xx) Friday was declared for the first time as an official weekly holiday by:
(a) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (b) General Zia ul Haq (c) Nawaz Sharif (d) Benazir Bhutto (e) None of these
(i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2. Critically evaluate the causes for the decline of Muslim Rule in India. (20)
Q.3. Compare and contrast the manifestos of All-India National Congress and All-India Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were some common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other later on? (20)
Q.4. Lucknow Pact, 1916 is considered the culmination of Hindu-Muslim unity. What circumstances led to the historical pact between the Hindus and Muslims? Discuss its main points and also analyze the causes for its failure. (20)
Q.5. Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best alternative for the partition of India in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations and also analyze why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties of India? (20)
Q.6. Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically evaluate the aforementioned issues highlighting its role in the process of constitution making. (20)
Q.7. Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out the history of Kashmir problem with focus on different suggestions for its solution from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its amicable solution. (20)
Q.8. Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects of the General Zia ul Haq and General Pervaiz Musharaf eras in the history of Pakistan. Do they had any commonalities, or they were totally different in all respects? Critically evaluate. (20)
