History of South Asia Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus


Part – I From Prehistoric to 18th Century AD

  1. Approaches to Ancient & Medieval India

  2. Indus Valley Civilization

  3. 3 The Vedas & The Vedic Age

  4. Foreign Invasions and Dynasties: The Aryans, Conquests of Alexander, The Mauryans, 321-185 BC, The Age of the Guptas and After, Indo-European interaction

  5. Buddhism

  6. Ashoka, Kanishka and the Gandhara Art

  7. Emergence and Development of Caste System

  8. Economy (Trade, Commerce, Industry)

  9. LAW AND ADMINISTRATION: Code of law, values and tradition. Sharia, Akhlaq as law system of governance.

  10. Sources of the Mughal Rule in India

  11. BHAKTI MOVEMENT:Salient features of Bhakti movement, main proponents/saints, Bhakti literature and revolt against religious orthodoxy and central government/power.

  12. DEVELOPMENT OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IN THE SUBCONTINENT: Sanskrit, Persian, Urdu, and Prakrit (local languages) literature with particular reference to humanist, political, regional and religious aspects. Relationship of power and language in medieval India.

  13. Development of the Fine Arts under the Mughals.

Part-II HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA (From 18-21 Centuries)

  1. Concepts of Colonialism & Imperialism

  2. Extracting land Revenue, Empire and Colonial Economy.

  3. 1857 War of Independence or Mutiny, Social and Religious Reforms.

  4. British Social life in India, Changing British attitudes to Indian religion and society, Architecture of the Raj. Dynamics of Anglo-Indian Society.

  5. Sir Syed’s efforts for re-interpreting religion and modernizing the Muslim Society and resistance of Ulema. Use of modem technologies by various religious revivalist/orthodox movements (e.g., Deobandi Movement) and displacement of Sufi tradition.

  6. Colonial project of assigning identities and Emergence of Nationalism in India: Dividing India in religious, communal/sectarian, regional, gender and racial/tribal lines.

  7. Legacies of British Raj. Military and Bureaucracy, Political and Constitutional Development (1947-2006), Dynamics of Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism in Pakistan with reference to M Ayub Khan, M Yahya, Zia Ul Haq, and Pervez Musharraf’s regimes.

  8. Nature of democracy in Pakistan: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan, ZA Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, Shaukat Aziz.

  9. Religion and Polity contraction in the Society/State building in Pakistan.

  10. Problems of federal politics, Ethnic and sub-national ideologies, use of language as culture and ideology.


  1. Aziz Ahmad, An Intellectual History of Islam in India

  2. Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment

  3. SM Ikram, Muslim Rule in India

  4. Daniel W Browne, Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought

  5. Muzaffar Alam, The Languages of Political Islam in India (c. 1200-1800)

  6. Jamal Malik and Helmut Reifeld (ed), Religious Pluralism in South Asia and Europe

  7. Richard M Eaton, Essays on Islam and Indian History (Delhi: OUP, 2001)

  8. Richard M Eaton (ed), India’s Islamic Traditions (Delhi: OUP, 2003)

  9. Bernard Lewis, The Political Language of Islam (Chicago, University of Chicago Press,1988)

  10. SAA Rizvi, A History of Sufism in India, 02 Volts (Delhi, 1978)

  11. Francis Robinson, Islam and Muslim History in South Asia (Delhi, 2000)

  12. Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam (NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1975)

  13. Eugenia Vanina, Ideas and Society in India

  14. Romila Thapar, Early History of India

  15. Irfan Habib, Agrarian System of Mughal India

  16. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition

  17. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, The Emergence of Pakistan

  18. Khalid bin Saeed, Pakistan: The Formative Phase

  19. Mushtaq Ahmed, Government and Politics in Pakistan

  20. Pandev Nayak, Pakistan Society and Politics

  21. Ayesha Jalal, Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Comparative and Historical Perspective

  22. Ayesha Jalal, The State of Martial Rule: the Origins of Pakistan’s Political Economy of Defence

  23. Ayesha Jalal, Self and Sovereignty

  24. Farhat Mahmud, Pak-US Relations

  25. Stephen Cohen, The Pakistan Army

  26. Ralph Braibanti, Research on the Bureaucracy of Pakistan: A Critique of Sources, Conditions, and Issues

  27. Omar Noman, The Political Economy of Pakistan, 1947-1985

  28. Lawrence Ziring, Pakistan in the 20th Century
