History of USA CSS Paper 2007

NOTE: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (==================) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.

  1. What were the factors that ushered in the democratic era and the rise of the common man with the election of Andrew Jackson to the presidency in 1928?

  2. Was the institution of slavery in the Southern States responsible for the Civil War? Discuss with examples.

  3. How did Jeffersonian Democratic thinking differ in philosophy and purpose from the Jacksonian democracy?

  4. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 said “This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and prosper”. Explain in light of the FDR presidency and the New Deal.

  5. President Woodrow Wilson said in 1917 “The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion …” Discuss what your consider to be the main reason for the United Staes entry into World War I. Give reasons for your choice.

  6. The Bush Doctrine is the name given to a set of foreign policy guidelines first unveiled by President George Bush in his commencement speech to the graduating class of West Point given on June 1, 2002. Explain with arguments.

  7. Write short notes on any two of the following:
    (a) Navigation Act of 1660
    (b) The Declaration of Independence
    (c) The Monroe Doctrine
    (d) The war on terror


  1. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) Columbus discovered the New World in:
(a) 1096 (b) 1295 (c) 1492 (d) 1493 (e) None of these
(2) Jamestown was founded in:
(a) 1607 (b) 1616 (c) 1919 (d) 1628 (e) None of these
(3) In 1602:
(a) Pope Draw’s demarcation line (b) Harvard College is established (c) Hudson explores Hudson River (d) Pilgrims land at Plymouth (e) None of these
(4) George Washington became president in:
(a) 1781 (b) 1789 (c) 1801 (d) 1804 (e) None of these
(5) Thomas Jefferson was the ________ president of America.
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fifth (e) None of these
(6) The 1783 treaty of Paris that defined original border of the United States was with:
(a) France (b) Portugal (c) Spain (d) Great Britain (e) None of these
(7) The Louisiana purchase completed in 1803 was negotiated by:
(a) George Washington (b) James Madison (c) Robert Livingston (d) Martin Van Buren (e) None of these
(8) The treaty of 1819 with Spain, that resulted in Spain’s cession of East Florida, Sabine Free State and surrender of Spain’s claim to Oregon State was called the:
(a) Rush-Bagot Agreement (b) Adams-Onis Treaty (c) Missouri Compromise (d) Panama Congress (e) None of these
(9) Virgin Islands were purchased from:
(a) Spain (b) Denmark (c) Portugal (d) Great Britain (e) None of these
(10) The Virgin Islands were bought for US $:
(a) 25 (b) 250 (c) 2500 (d) 25000 (e) None of these

(11) Which American president was elected for two non-consecutive terms:
(a) Chester A. Arthur (b) Benjamin Harrison (c) Grover Cleveland (d) Woodrow Wilson (e) None of these
(12) Jimmy Carter was the President of the USA from:
(a) 1969-1974 (b) 1974-1977 (c) 1977-1981 (d) 1981-1989 (e) None of these
(13) Give the correct order of the states’ entry into the Union:
(a) Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia (b) Massachusetts, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland (c) Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey, Texas (d) New Hampshire, Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia (e) None of these
(14) Which joined the Union after Alaska:
(a) Arizona (b) Oklahoma (c) Utah (d) Hawaii (e) None of these
(15) The BAY of PIGS invasion of Cuba happened during the Presidency of:
(a) Dwight D. Eisenhower (b) Lyndon B. Johnson (c) Richard Nixon (d) John F. Kennedy (e) None of these
(16) The Declaration of Independence was formally adopted on:
(a) July 2, 1775 (b) July 4, 1776 (c) August 8, 1777 (d) None of these
(17) The constitution of the United States of America was adopted in the period:
(a) 1681-1682 (b) 1764-1765 (c) 1787-1788 (d) None of these
(18) In the amendments to the constitution of the USA freedom of religion, speech and the press and right to assembly are protected by:
(a) First Amendment (b) Second Amendment (c) Third Amendment (d) Fifth Amendment (e) None of these
(19) The National security of the USA is a document prepared by the:
(a) Executive Branch (b) House of Representative (c) Senate (d) Brookings institute (e) None of these
(20) “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” is the:
(a) First amendment (b) Second amendment (c) Sixth amendment (d) None of these
