History of USA CSS Paper 2024



NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted.
Q.1. (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the OMR Answer Sheet.(20×1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered.

1. Who is known as the ‘Father of the Constitution’?
(A) James Madison (B) Thomas Jafferson (C) John Adams (D) None of these

2. This Founding Father from Virginia, now known as the “Father of the Bill of Rights”, Has a
University named after him in that state.
(A) John Jay (B) Alexander Hamilton (C) George Mason (D) None of these

3. What is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment?
(A) To provide arms and ammunition if British attack
(B) Citizens with the ability to defend themselves against unlawful violence.
(C) For the purpose of forming the National Guard in each State (D) None of these

4. Who, of the following, was not a U.S. President?
(A) John Adams (B) Alexander Hamilton (C) Thomas Jefferson (D) None of these

5. What Constitutional Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920?
(A) 15th (B) 17th (C) 19th (D) None of these

6. Who was the first President to be impeached?
(A) Bill Clinton (B) Richard Nixon (C) Andrew Jackson (D) None of these

7. Which of the following was not one of the original 13 colonies?
A) Massachusetts (B) Maine (C) Delaware (D) None of these

8. ____________ was US President from 1977 to 1981.
(A) Ronald Reagan (B) Richard Nixon (C) Jimmy Carter (D) None of these

9. The XYZ affairs took place between:
(A) US-Britain (B) US-Russia (C) US-France (D) None of these

10. The term “Big Stick Diplomacy” is associated with President:
(A) T. Roosevelt (B) Franklin D. Roosevelt (C) Jimmy Carter (D) None of these

11. Who was the American President at the time of the signing of the Camp David Accords between
Egypt and Israel?
(A) Richard Nixon (B) Lyndon B. Johnson (C) Ronald Reagan (D) None of these

12. Burr Conspiracy took place during the Presidency of:
(A) George Washington (B) Andrew Jackson (C) Jafferson (D) None of these

13. Gadsden Purchase or Treaty took place between:
(A) US-Great Britain (B) US-France (C) US-Russia (D) None of these

14. Nullification crisis was during Presidency of:
(A) T. Roosevelt (B) Jafferson (C) Andrew Jackson (D) None of these

15. D Day was:
(A) 6 June 1943 (B) 6 June 1945 (C) 6 March 1945 (D) None of these

16. “The Cold War: A New History” is written by:
(A) Henry Kessinger (B) Samuel P. Huntington (C) John Lewis Gaddis (D) None of these

17. Treaty of Mortefotaine was signed with:
(A) Russia (B) Great Britain (C) Dutch (D) None of these

18. Treaty of Ghent was signed in the year:
(A) 1812 (B) 1813 (C) 1814 (D) None of these

19. The Second Great Awakening led to:
(A) Rapid economic growth (B) Rapid cultural growth (C) Rapid church growth (D) None of these

20. The Compromise of 1850 was about the issue of:
(A) Territory (B) Slavery (C) Trade (D) None of these
NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper.
(v) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.

Q. No. 2. Summarize the ideas and views expressed by the American diplomat George F. Kennan. How did these views shape US containment policy during the Cold War? (20)

Q. No. 3. Analyze events that led to American involvement in Vietnam. How and why did this involvement increase during the 1960s? (20)

Q. No. 4. Critically evaluate the major causes of US entry in World War II examining how the causes you mentioned developed, and why and how you believe they led to US participation in the war? Considering these causes, do you believe that US
entry was inevitable? (20)

Q. No. 5. Put yourself in the shoes of US leadership, and think that the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan could have been avoided? Provide arguments supported by empirical evidence. (20)

Q. No. 6. Identify and discuss five but not more than seven most significant factors leading to the outbreak of American Civil War 1861-1865. Do you think the Civil War was inevitable? (20)

Q. No. 7. Given that US founders were so negative about political parties. Why did political parties historically form so easily? How did this feature, never mentioned in the Constitution, become a seemingly permanent fixture of the US political system? (20)

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (10 marks each) (20)
(a) Monroe Doctrine
(b) US involvement in the Korean War
(c) NATO
