History of USA CSS Syllabus

(100 MARKS)

I. Introduction:-  From ancient times to 1492
 Advent of the Europeans to British supremacy (1492-1606)
II. USA as a British Colony (1606-1783).
III. USA as an Independent Country (1783 – 1819)
IV. Expansion of USA: From 13 to 50 States (1820 – 1949)
V. Constitution of the USA: Salient Features
VI. Civil War between the North and the East (1850 – 1869)
VII. Industrialization and its emergence as one of the world powers (1870 -1916)
VIII. USA’s role in the Two World Wars (i. 1914 – 1918, ii. 1939 – 1945)
IX. Post 1945 world scenario and emergence of USA and USSR as the Two World Powers.
X. American Role in patronizing UNO and International Organizations 1945 – 2012
XI. American Role in Cold War and its emergence as the Sole super Power (1945 – 1990).
XII. International Concerns of USA: An Overview.
XIII. The War on Terror and the Role of Pakistan and USA (2001 – 2012)
XIV. Global perceptions of the USA.
XV. Progressive Era: Reforms of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson,
XVI. The Great Depression and the New Deal
XVII. Civil Rights Movement
XVIII. United States Role in International Conflicts
XIX. US Presidential Election
XX. US Congress and its Mandate
XXI. Separation of Powers and Check & Balances
