International Relations CSS Paper II 2024




NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted.


Q.1. (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the OMR Answer Sheet.(20×1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered.

1 Economic spill-over from one sector to other sectors is explained by:
(A) Robert D. Gilpin (B) Ernst B. Haas (C) Robert D. Kaplan (D) None of these

2 Proposal for joint defence between Pakistan and India was given by:
(A) Chou En-Lai (B) Jawaharlal Nehru (C) Ayub Khan (D) None of these

3 Who is author of the book “When China Rules the World”?
(A) Graham Allison (B) Martin Jacques (C) Thomas Friedman (D) Fareed Zakariya

4 The Ganges Water-Sharing Treaty was signed between India and Bangladesh in:
(A) 1992 (B) 1989 (C) 1982 (D) 1996

5 The Munich Agreement was signed among Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain in September 1938 permitted German annexation of territories of:
(A) Poland (B) Hungary (C) Czechoslovakia (D) Alsace-Lorrain

6 Author of “The Origin of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution” is:
(A) Samuel P. Huntington (B) Francis Fukuyama (C) Kenneth Waltz (D) Jessica Tuchman Mathews

7 The Concert of Europe was founded in:
(A) 1882 (B) 1815 (C) 1648 (D) 1789

8 The Six-Day War was fought between Israel and Arab states in:
(A) 1956 (B) 1982 (C) 1967 (D) 1973

9 The book “On China” is written by:
(A) Sun Tzu (B) Xi Jinping (C) Robert D. Kaplan (D) Henry Kissinger

10 Who coined the phrase “Global Village”?
(A) George Marshall (B) John Locke (C) Marshall McLuhan (D) John Foster Dulles

11 Robert S. McNamara is famous for:
(A) The Suez Canal Crisis (B) The Vietnam War (C) The Iran-Iraq War (D) The American war on Terror

12 Who proposed the “Heartland Theory”?
(A) Halford John Mackinder (B) Alfred T. Mahan (C) Christopher Columbus (D) Nicholas J. Spykman

13 According to Machiavelli, the two essential means for conduct of foreign policy are:
(A) Lion and Wolf (B) Cheetah and Fox (C) Lion and Fox (D) Leopard and Wolf

14 _____ proposed a fourteen-point program under his vision of making the world ‘safe for democracy.’
(A) Francis Fukuyama (B) Barack Obama (C) Woodrow Wilson (D) Winston Churchill

15 Sociological liberalism argued by______ emphasizes the impact of expanding cross-border activities.
(A) Robert Keohane (B) Karl Deutsch (C) Joseph Nye (D) Michael Doyle

16 ______proposed a ‘cobweb model’ of transnational relationships:
(A) John Burton (B) Joseph Nye (C) Immanuel Kant (D) Oran Young

17 The statement that ‘Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with the moral laws that govern the universe’ has been given by:
(A) Thomas Hobbes (B) E. H. Carr (C) Morgenthau (D) Kenneth Waltz

18 The statement that ‘There can be no other conceivable basis under capitalism for the division of spheres of influence…. than a calculation of the strength of the participation in the division, their general economic, financial, military strength, etc.’ was given by:
(A) Karl Marx (B) Friedrich Angles (C) Joseph Stalin (D) Lenin

19 ‘The social world including international relations is a human construction’ is the key idea argued by:
(A) Liberalism (B) Constructivism (C) IPE (D) Feminism

20 The book ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ written by:
(A) Thomas L. Friedman (B) Adam Smith (C) John Maynard Keynes (D) None of these

NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper.
(v) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.

Q. No. 2. With the evolving situation in Afghanistan, how does China engage with Pakistan to ensure stability in the region, and what are the shared strategic interests and potential divergences between the two countries in the context of post-withdrawal Afghanistan? (20)

Q. No. 3. Under President Putin, Russian foreign policy has experienced a revival. Russia is back on the world stage and projecting its power through economic and less politico-military means. Comment. (20)

Q. No. 4. Recent relationship between the US and China seems to be prey to Thucydides’s trap. Can America and China escape it? Analyze it keeping in view the recent trends in international politics. (20)

Q. No. 5. Graham Allison has devised different models for making choices in foreign policy decisions. Compare and contrast the Rational Actor Model and the Bureaucratic Politics Model to illustrate foreign policy decisions. Which model better explains Pakistan’s decision in 2015 to decline Saudi Arabia’s call for armed support in the Yemen war? (20)

Q. No. 6. Compare and contrast Fukuyama’s ‘End of History’ and Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilization’ in the backdrop of the interpretation of the post-Cold War era. Which interpretation seems more attractive in explaining international politics in the
post-Cold War era? (20)

Q. No. 7. With the Abraham Accords between Israel and some Arab states, how has the October 2023 Israel-Gaza war impacted the broader dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict particularly prospects for the two-state solution? (20)

Q. No. 8. Pakistan and India are nuclear-armed neighbours. The normalization of the bilateral relationship between them has not become possible despite several peace initiatives like the Simla Accord and the Composite Dialogue. Is sustained peace possible between them? (20)