International Relations KP PMS Paper 2010





Time Allowed: 03 hours Max: Marks: 100

Attempt only FIVE questions, including Question No.1, Which is COMPULSORY.

1 CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) is not ratified by.
(a) France b) USA (c) Canada d) Russia

2 The Headquarter of international Court of Justice (ICJ) is located at:
a) Newyork b) Geneva c) The Hague d) Washington D.C

3 The Balfour Declaration of 1917 assured:
(a) A legal protection to Palestine State b) A Jewish national home in Palestine (c) End of British control on Palestine d) Partitioned Palestine

4 The Father of International Law is:
(a) Hugo Grotins b) Alberico Gentiti c) Rousseau d) Francis Victoria

5 India constructed the Baghliyan Dam on:
(a) River Indus b) River Chenab c) River Jehlum d) River Sutlej

6 The SAARC started functioning in: b) 1984
a) 1982 b) 1984 c) 1985 c) 1986

7 US President Wilson presented this 14 points in an address to:
(a) The delegates of Allied Power b) The members of Congress c) The Students of Washington University

8 State not the member of GCC (Gulf Cooperative Council
a) Saudi Arabia) b) Iran c) Kuwait d) UAE

9 What does NEFA stand for?

10 The UN Security Council has total
(a) 14 members b) 15 members c) 16 members d) 17 members

11 The first war time conference (11.World War) was held at:
a) Potsdam b) Tehran c) Yalta d)San Francisco

12 Maulvi Tamizud Din Khan was the speaker of:
(a) National Assembly b)Constituent Assembly c) Senate d) None of these

13 The Indian nuclear test in 1974 is famously known as:
(a) Smiling Buddha b) Pokharam-I (c) Peaceful Nuclear Explosion d) All of these

14 The present US Vice President is:
a) Alan Gore b) Dich Chaney (c) Hillary Clinton d) Joe By den

15 Famous book of Karl Marx taken as the holy book of communist revolutionary titled:
(a) Das Kapital b) War & Peace (c) Social contract d) None of these

16 China and Japan has dispute over Islands famously known as
(a) Senkaku b) Siachel (c) Sneto d) Seji

17 Total number of members in the UN General Assembly is:
(a) 182 b) 194 (c) 192 d) 185

18 Pakistan is the member of:
(a) EU b) G-8 (c) G-20 d) None of these

19 Football World Cup 2010 was won by:
(a) Brazil b) Germany c) Netherlands d) None of these

20 The Current Prime Minister of Israel is:
(a) Ehud Barak b) Golda Mayor c) Mosa Dayan d) none of these

Q-2. What is Non Proliferation? Why non-proliferation is an important issue of US foreign policy, Give different dimensions of US nuclear non-proliferation policy.

Q-3. Has the third party mediation has successfully settled the Palestinian Problem? Give your opinion.

Q-4. Modern State System Traces its roots from treaty of West Phalin yet the Congress of Vienna was the real turning point. Trace the development of state system in the 19th Century

Q-5. The world politics has gone drastic change after 9/11. Analyze major shifts in world politics in post 9/11 period.

Q-6. Define imperialism. Critically analyze the economic theory of imperialism.

Q-7. The Pence agreements are consider as one of the cause of World War II. Discuss the important features of peace treaties.