Islamic History and Culture
Total Marks – 200
Paper I
Marks – 100
1. Humanity at the dawn of Islam: A brief survey of major world civilizations with special emphasis on their intellectual, humanistic and special institutions – their impact on world history
2. Advent of Islam: Life and teachings of the Holy Prophet. Foundations of a new and revolutionary world order. Institutions of Islam – political, social, economic and legal structure of the Islamic polity. The Quran – Emphasis on the study of nature and research. Changes brought by Islam in human thinking and behaviour
3. Foundation of Muslim State: Early conquests of the Khulafa-e-Rashideen. Administrative and legal structure of the state. Political and ideological differences and the emergence of the Umayyads – expansion and consolidation of the Empire
4. The grandeur of Islam: Philosophical, scientific and literary progress of the Muslims during the Abbasid period
5. The Ottoman Caliphate: Turkish march towards Europe. Political structure of the Turkish Empire, salient features of their administration, decline and disintegration