Journalism CSS Paper 2001



NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO.8 Which is COMPULSORY. Select TWO questions fromeach SECTION. All questions carry EQUALL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be Considered.
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines(================) at the end to Separate each question attempted in Answer Book.

Section I

1. “Communication is a process, a series of actions, always in motion and directed toward a particular goal.” Elaborate.

2. Describe the functions of journalism as a challenging profession and devise guiding principles for today’s journalist.

3. Looking into recent developments taking place in the world how do you perceive the role of newspapers in Pakistan.

4. Describe the potentials of television medium and make critical analysis how far we have been able to make its effective use for national development.


5. Inspite of having clear criteria by which to judge new, the fact is that “the news is what we make of it”. Discuss.

6. How does public relations differ from advertising? Does public relations offer advantages not available through advertising? Explain.

7. Write analytical notes on the following
a) Free flow of information
b) Ethics of reporting: objectivity and conflict of interact
c) Scope of news magazines
d) Editorials cartoon


8. Write only the correct answer in the answer book. Do not reproduce the questions.

(1) Communication is a
a) Theory
b) Strategy
c) Process
d) None of these

(2) Television is
a) Hot medium
b) Cool medium
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of (a) and (b)

(3) The Audience for whom the message is specifically designed are called
a) The target audience
b) The actual audience
c) The available audience
d) None of these

(4) Mathematical model of communication was developed by
a) Wilbur Schram
b) Charles E Osgood
c) Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
d) None of these

(5) Sementic problem in communication deals with
a) The effectiveness of the message
b) The transmission of the message
c) The selection of words
d) None of these

(6) In Rhetorical Communication Theory the major emphasis has been placed on
a) Communicator
b) Audience
c) Response
d) None of these

(7) The phrase “the medium is the message … and the message” was coined by:
a) Malcolm Maclean
b) Marshal Mcluhan
c) Harold Lasswell
d) None of these

(8) The author of the well known communication book “Men, Message and Media: A look at Human Communication” is
a) Charles Wright
b) Herbert Bruever
c) Wilbur Schram
d) None of these

(9) Individuals working within organization and who make decisions about what is to be communicated are called.
a) Regulators
b) Gatekeepers
c) Reporters
d) None of these

(10) Readers of a specialized magazine are known as
a) Homogenous audience
b) Heterogeneous audience
c) Both of these
d) None of these

(11) The type of communication based on purchased times or space is called
a) Publicity
b) Advertising
c) Both of these
d) None of these

(12) The structure of newspapers is determined y
a) Frequency of publication
b) Size
c) Circulation
d) None of these

(13) The individual or organization that initiates the advertising process, is called
a) The advertiser
b) The advertising agency
c) The director of advertising
d) None of these

(14) One of the major advantages of radio medium for advertising is
a) Editorial Support
b) Permanence
c) Flexibility
d) None of these

(15) The largest newspaper of Pakistan is
a) Jang
b) Nawa-e-Waqt
c) The News
d) None of these

(16) World Service of Pakistan Television can be watched in
a) 30 countries
b) 40 countries
c) 50 countries
d) None of these

(17) Reuters is the news agency of
a) Holland
b) France
c) England
d) None of these

(18) UPI is the abbreviation of
a) United Press of India
b) United Press International
c) United Press Indonesia
d) None of these

(19) The founder editor of Nawa-e-Waqt was:
a) Hameed Nizami
b) Majeed Nizami
c) Arif Nizami
d) None of these

(20) The meeting of professionals having a series of prepared lectures, followed by questions and answers, is called
a) Seminar
b) Workshop
c) Symposium
d) None of these
