KP CE Naib Tehsildar English Paper 2020

TIME ALLOWED. 3 HOURS Total Marks 200
Note All questions are compulsary

Q1. Write a comprehensive analytical essay of about 700 words on any one of the following 20
(1) Our education system prepares us for exams, not his life.
(2) Wars are ugly.
(3) A man is known by the company he keeps.
(4) Freedom of thought is more important than the freedon of speech
(5) Rules are meant to be broken.

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions at the end 40
The history of the modern world is record of highly varied activity, of incessant change, and of astonishing achievement. The lives of men have, during the last few centuries, become increasingly diversified, their powers have greatly multiplied, and their horizon has been enormously enlarged. New interests have arisen in rich profusion to absorb attention and to provoke exertion. New aspirations and new emotions have come to move the soul of men. Amid all the bewildering phenomenon, interest, in particular, has stood out in clear and growing pre-eminence, has expressed itself in a multitude of ways and with an emphasis more and more pronounced, namely, the determination of the race, to gain a larger measure of freedom than it is ever known before, freedom in the life of intellect and spirit, freedom in the realm of government and law, freedom in the economic and social relationships. A passion that has prevailed so widely, that has transformed the world so completely and is still transforming it, is one thasurely merits study and abundantly rewards it. Its operation constitute the very pith and marrow OF modern histor.
Not that this passion was unknown to the long ages that proceeded the modern periods. The ancient Hebrews, the ancient Greeks and Romans blazed the way leaving behind them a precious heritage of accomplishments and suggestions, and the men who were responsible for Renaissance of the fifteenth century and the reformation of the sixteenth century contributed their imperishable part to this slow and difficult emancipation of the human race. But it is in modern times that the pace and vigour, the scope and sweep of this liberal movement have so increased unquestionably as to determine the age, particularly the last three centuries that have registered great triumphs of spirit.

Q1. What has been the most dominant passion of human race during the last three centuries

Q2. What, according to the author, is the history of the modern world a record of?

Q3. In what period of the history of the world have the lives of men become increasingly diversified?

Q4. In what areas do you think have the power of men greatly multiplied during the last few centuries?

Q5. The horizon of the lives of the men has been greatly increased, What does it means?

Q6. What kinds of freedom have been mentioned in the passage?

Q7. The operation of which factors constitute the pith and narrow of modern history?

Write a composition starting with any one of the following lines.
(1) It was usually men who asked me why I did it.
(2) The one industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the fashion industry.