Law CSS Paper II 2008

Time allowed: Part I 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS:20
Part II 2 Hours & 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS:80
i: First attempt PART –I (MCQ) on separate Answer sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes
ii: Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

(i) judicial confession can be recorded by the following procedure available in:
(a)section 164 cr.pc (b)section 364 cr.pc (c ) both sections (d) none of these

(ii) the procedure of identification parade is available in:
(a)Art. 22 of Q.S.O. (b)Art. 24 of Q.S.O. (c) Art. 27 of Q.S.O. (d) Any of these

(iii) fact of judicial notice requires its proof by:
(a) oral evidence (b) documentary evidence (c) by both (a) & (b) (d) Need not to prove

(iv) expert is a person who is specially skilled in the subject of:
(a) foreign law (b) Art (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

(v) hearsay evidence is generally:
(a) admissible evidence (b) inadmissible evidence (c) oral evidence (d) none of these

(vi) Accomplice is a type of witness:
(a) who is partner in crime (b) who don’t associate in crime (c) who may be a planted person in a criminal gang (d) none of these

(vii) section __________ deals with arrest without warrant:
(a) 46 (b) 48 (c) 54 (d) 59

(viii) Arrest without warrant can be made by a Police officer:
(a) of any rank (b) officer in charge of a police station (c) not below the rank of officer (d) any of these

(ix) unlawful assembly is an assembly consisting at least _________ persons:
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) None of these

(x) after recording confession, the accused is:
(a) sent back to the police custody (b) kept in judicial lock up (c) set free (d) none of these

(xi) confirmation of death sentence by the High court must be signed by:
(a) one judge (b) two judge (c) three judges (d) any of these

(xii) bailable offences are offences punishable with:
(a) imprisonment for life (b) imprisonment less than 10 years (c) Death (d) All of these

(xiii) FIR of a cognizable offences can be lodged by :
(a) the aggrieved person (b) the relative of the aggrieved (c) Any person having knowledge of the offence (d) All of these

(xiv) statement recorded under section 342 shall be administered on Oath :
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Discretion of court to ask for Oath or not

(xv) The form of FIR contains:
(a) 4 columns (b) 5 columns (c) 6 columns (d) 7 columns

(xvi) Pakistan Penal Code was passed in:
(a) 7th April 1860 (b) 6th October 1860 (c) 7th October 1860 (d) None of these

(xvii) right of private defence of body includes the defence of:
(a) his own body (b) Any other person (c) His own body and of his close relative (d) His body and the body of any other person

(xviii) kidnapping includes:
(a) kidnapping from Pakistan (b) kidnapping from lawful guardianship (c) kidnapping from Pakistan and from lawful guardianship (d) None of these

(xix) the word “injury” includes or denotes any harm whether illegally caused to person:
(a) in body (b) reputation or property (c) mind (d) All of these

(xx) whoever commits theft shall be punished with imprisonment of the description for a term which may extend to:
(a) 3 years (b) 19 years (c) 14 years (d) 17 years

Section – 1 ( Qanun-e-Shahadat Order)
Q2. Which communications are considered privileged communications? Discuss it with reference to the privileges. (16)

Q3. What are the circumstances under which secondary evidence relating to a document can be given? (16)

Q4. Write a note on: (16)
(a) Dying declaration (b) Burden of proof (c) Fact in issue

Section – II ( Criminal Procedure Code )

Q5. what is FIR? Discuss its importance in Criminal cases? (16)

Q6. what is meant by illegalities and irregularities? (16)

Q7. write a note on: (16)
(a) framing of charges (b) bail (c) tender of pardon

Section –III ( Pakistan Panel Code )

Q8. What is right of private defence? What are the limitations imposed on the use of force under this right? Explain. (16)

Q9. Define defamation. What are the different exceptions to the charge of defamation? Discuss. (16)

Q10. Define and explain common intention and object. Is there any difference between the two? Explain (16)
