Law KP PMS Paper II 2022

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Public Service Commission, Peshawar
Competitive Examination for Provincial Management Service, 2022


Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100

Attempt five questions from the following by choosing at least one question from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

Part- A Criminal Procedure Code

1 What is meant by FIR? In which type of offences FIR can be registered? Differentiate between FIR and complaint. (5+5+10)

2 Differentiate between pre-trial and trial proceedings. What are the different stages of pre-trial and trial proceedings?

3 Explain the procedure of granting of bail in bailable and non-bailable offences. (20)

Part- B Pakistan Penal Code

4 Discuss and explain Robbery, Dacoity and Extortion. Distinguish between theft and criminal breach of trust. (10+10)

5 Define unlawful assembly and rioting. Differentiate between unlawful assembly and rioting. (10+10)

6 Define and explain common intention and common object. Is there any Difference between two? Explain with examples. (6+14)

Part- C Qanun-e- Shahadat Ordinance

7 What is meant by “Privileged Communication”? Explain different types of “Privileged Communication”. (5+15)

8 Differentiate between confession and admission. Explain Judicial and Extra judicial Confession in detail. (10+10)
