Logic and Elements of Philosophy Sindh PCS Syllabus

Logic and Elements of Philosophy

Total Marks 150

Logic will cover all the topics usually discussed in Deductive and Inductive Logic, including the Categories and the Predicable, the reduction of syllogisms, different kinds of syllogisms, Methods of Induction’s and Quantitative Determination.

Questions may be set not only on points of doctrine but also on the logical analysis of arguments.

Elements of Philosophy will include the following topics:-

(1) The Problem of Philosophy – Its relations with common sense, Science and religion. The method of philosophy. The Divisions of Philosophy.

(2) Theories of Knowledge – Scepticism Idealism, Realism, Institutionism, Pragmatism.

(3) Theories of Being – Dualism. Menisum Pluralism, Materialism, Spiritualism, Neutral Monum Emergent Evolution.

The candidates will be excepted to have a reasonably good knowledge of Quran, Hadith and the Fiqah. They should be able to answer questions on the following subjects:-

(a) Shariat-i-Imam and Arkan-i-Islam.

(b) Holy Prophet’s Life.

(c) History of the Khulpha-iRashideen.

The study of the following books recommended:-

(i) Spirit of Islam.

(ii) Seerat-un- Nabi by Shibli- Numani.

(iii) Khutabat-i-Madras by Syed Suleman Nadvi.

(iv) The early Caliphate by Muhammed Ali.
