Mass Communication Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus

Paper-II Total Marks: 100

Communication, Advertising and Public Relations

I. Process of Communication: source-message-channel- Receiver-Noise and Redundancy

2. Barriers to Communication

3. Principles of Effective Communication

4. Development Communication and Development Journalism

5. Difference between Mass Communication, Development Communication, Development Journalism and Development Support Communication

6. Two step flow of communication and Opinion Leaders

7. Public Relations: Definition and Scope- Tools of Public Relations- Public Relations in Pakistan- Difference between PR, Propaganda. Advertising and Publicity.

8. Advertising: Definition-Merits and Demerits- Advertising business in Pakistan-Departments of an Advertising Agency.

9. Importance of research in Advertising and Public Relations

10. Advertising as the lifeblood of media

Recommended Books

1. Hijazi and Naqqash: Mass Communication Theory and Practice, Lahore, 2005

2. Lorenz: News Reporting and Writing. New York. 2005

3. Vilanilam: Advertising Basics: London,. 2004

4. Treadwell: Public Relations Writing. New York. 2005

5. Teeble ed.: Print Journalism. New York. 2005

6. Schwartz: Associated Press Reporting Handbook. New York. 2002

7. Hijazi and Iftikhar: Mass Communication: Skills, uses and Issues: Lahore.2006

8. Shafiq: Journalism and Communication Lahore. 2006
