Muslim Law and Jurisprudence CSS Paper 2009

Federal Public Service Commission
Competitive Examination For
Recruitment To Posts In BPS-17 Under
The Federal Government 2009
Muslim Law and Jurisprudence

Note: Attempt only four questions from part-2.All questions carry equal marks.

Q.2 Explain the essentials of Valid Gift. A, who owns a house makes a gift to B of the house and of the right to the use a staircase used by him jointly with a owner of an adjoining house. Is it a valid Gift explain?

Q.3 A Muslim marriage is a civil contract. Do you think that the contracting parties have equal rights in rescinding a marriage contract? Give rationale.

Q.4 Under section 4 of the Muslim Family Laws ordinance an orphan grandchild in entitled to the share of his/her predeceased parent. Explain fully the issue; argue for or against the provision.

Q.5 A Muslim male dies leaving behind a widow, a daughter an agnatic granddaughter and a father. Distribute the property of the deceased/ praepositus amongst the heirs. Explain the basis for the distribution of property to each and every heir.

Q.6 What is ijtihad? What are the qualifications of a Mujtahid? Compare Ijtihad with istehsan.

Q.7 Explain fully the status of a bigamous marriage under the classical Islamic Law and compare it with Pakistani law.

Q.8 Write a comprehensive note on the Islamization of the laws in Pakistan. Do you think that islamization of laws has in any way improved the Judicial and Governance systems of the Country?

Part – I (MCQ)


Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet. (20)

(i) Who founded the ‘Kufa School’?
(a) Imam Abu Hanifa (b) Imam Malik (c) Imam Jafar-as-Sadik (d) None of these

(ii) Through a gift a Muslim can transfer his/her:
(a) 1/3rd of property (b) ½ of the property (c) 2/3rd of property (d) None of these

(iii) A plurality of husbands is called:
(a) Polyandry (b) Bigamy (c) Polygamy (d) None of these

(iv) A man is prohibited to marry his daughter on the ground of:
(a) Affinity (b) Consanguinity (c) Fosterage (d) None of these

(v) A widow is entitled to maintenance:
(a) For one year (b) For two years (c) During the period of Idda (d) None of these

(vi) A divorce by Zihar means:
(a) Apostasy from Islam by a husband (b) False accusation of adultery by husband (c) An agreement between husband and wife to dissolve marriage (d) None of these

(vii) According to Pakistani law, a child is legitimate if born:
(a) Within 280 days of the termination of marriage (b) Within one year of the termination of marriage (c) Within two years of the termination of marriage (d) None of these

(viii) A Muslim wife can unilaterally exercise the right of Talaq:
(a) By Khula (b) By Li’an (c) By Tafweez (d) None of these

(ix) The dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act was enacted in:
(a) 1939 (b) 1949 (c) 1961 (d) None of these

(x)What is marriageable age for a male Muslim under the Pakistani Law:
(a) 14 years (b) 16 years (c) 18 years (d) None of these

(xi) Law governing Muslim Succession was enacted in:
(a) 1929 (b) 1961 (c) 1979 (d) None of these

(xii) A Muslim man dies leaving behind two widows and a daughter. The collective share of the widows would be?
(a) 1/8th (b) 1/4th (c) ½ (d) None of these

(xiii) A Muslim can bequeath 1/3rd of his property to his heirs:
(a) With the consent of other heirs (b) Without the consent of other heirs (c) With the approval of the court (d) None of these

(xiv) The primary sources of Islamic Law are:
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) None of these

(xv) Amongst the first four Caliphs, whose period of Caliphate was the longest:
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) (b) Hazrat Osman (R.A) (c) Hazrat Ali (R.A) (d) None of these

(xvi) The famous Jurist Al-qama was the pupil of:
(a) Imam Abu Hanifa (b) Ibn Abbas (c) Ibn Mas’ud (d) None of these

(xvii) Ijma means:
(a) A gathering of Mujtahids (b) Consensus of opinion (c) Law-making (d) None of these

(xviii) Who was appointed as Qadi by Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) ?
(a) Hazrat Omar (R.A) (b) Hazrat Osman (R.A) (c) Hazrat Ali (R.A) (d) None of these

(xix) Imam Ash-Shafi was the pupil of:
(a) Imam Abu Hanifa (b) Abu Yusuf (c) Imam Malik (d) None of these

(xx) Janayat deals with:
(a) Crime (b) Torts (c) Sale (d) None of these
