Nishan i Haider Pakistan

Nishan i Haider Pakistan

Nishan i Haider is the highest Military Award. This award is conferred on all ranks of the Armed Forces, the Frontier Corps and the Frontier Constabulary when serving under the Federal Government, who have performed acts of greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger, and have shown bravery of the highest order, or devotion to the country in the presence of the enemy on land, at sea or in the air. The recipient of this Award has the privilege of adding letters ‘NH’ after his name.


#NameFormationMartyred on
1Naik Saif Ali JanjuaAzad Kashmir RegimentMon, Apr 26, 1948
2Captain Mohammad SarwarPunjab RegimentSat, Jul 24, 1948
3Major Tufail MohammadPunjab RegimentThu, Aug 07, 1958
4Major Raja Aziz BhattiPunjab RegimentSun, Sep 12, 1965
5Pilot Officer Rashid MinhasPak Air ForceFri, Aug 20, 1971
6Major Shabbir SharifFrontier Force RegimentTue, Dec 07, 1971
7Sowar Mohammad HussainArmoured CorpsFri, Dec 10, 1971
8Major Mohammad AkramFrontier Force RegimentWed, Dec 15, 1971
9Lance Naik Mohammad MahfuzPunjab RegimentFri, Dec 17, 1971
10Captain Karnal Sher KhanSindh RegimentWed, Jul 07, 1999
11Havaldar Lalak JanNorthern Light InfantryWed, Jul 07, 1999