English CSS Paper 1977

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1977 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage. Those who regard the decay of civilization as something quite normal and natural console themselves with the thought that it…

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English CSS Paper 1978

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1978 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. “I was a firm believer is democracy, whereas he (D.H. Lawrence) had developed the whole…

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English CSS Paper 1979

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1979 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage and assign a suitable heading to it. Probably the only protection for contemporary man is to discover how to use…

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English CSS Paper 1980

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1980 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Summarize the following passage, tracing the main arguments and reducing it about one-third of its present length. The attention we give to terrorism often seems disproportionate to…

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English CSS Paper 1981

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1981 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. An important part of management is the making of rules. As a means of regulating…

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English CSS Paper 1982

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1982 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage in about 100 words and suggest a title. Objectives pursued by, organisations should be directed to the satisfaction of demands…

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English CSS Paper 1983

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1983 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. Rural development lies at the heart of any meaningful development strategy. This is the only…

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English CSS Paper 1984

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1984 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. It is no doubt true that we cannot go through life without sorrow. There can…

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English CSS Paper 1985

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1985 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. Climate influences labour not only by enervating the labourer or by invigorating him, but also…

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English CSS Paper 1986

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1986 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Write a precis of the following passage, suggesting a suitable title. One of the fundamental facts about words is that the most useful ones in our language…

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English CSS Paper 1987

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1987 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. The incomparable gift of brain, with its truly amazing powers of abstraction, has rendered obsolete…

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Everyday Science CSS Paper 1995

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POST IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1995 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PAPER – I EVERYDAY SCIENCE Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50 Note: Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw diagrams where necessary. Negative marking would be done for incorrect answers in Question.1…

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