Pakistan Affairs CSS Paper 2011


Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(v) No page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.


Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1 x 20=20)
(i) Who recalled Muhammad Bin Qasim from Sindh? (a) Caliph Walid (b) Caliph Sulaiman (c ) Caliph Abdul Aziz (d) None of these

(ii) What was the real name of Shah Waliullah? (a) Qutubuddin Ahmad Faruqi (b) Qutubuddin Ahmad Siddiqui (c ) Qutubuddin Ahmad Syed (d) None of these

(iii) Who was formal teacher of Syed Ahmad Barelvi? (a) Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (b) Shah Waliullah (c ) Shah Abdul Aziz (d) None of these

(iv) Who for the first time translated the Holy Quran in Urdu language? (a) Shah Waliullah and Shah Abdul Aziz (b) Shah Abdul Qadir and Shah Rafiuddin (c ) Syed Ahmad Baralvi and Shah Ismail Dehlavi (d) None of these

(v) Faraizi Movement was primarily a religious movement. What change Dudhu Mian brought in the movement? (a) Transferred it into a guerrilla movement (b) Transferred it into a political movement (c ) Transferred it into a cultural movement (d) None of these

(vi) Which of the following was/were the drawback(s) of the Government of India Act of 1858? (a) Control of the Secretary of State for India and his Council was bureaucratic in nature (b) Expense of the Secretary of State for India and his Council became a burden on Indian revenues (c ) Both of these (d) None of these

(vii) By how many member(s) the Executive Council of the Governor General was enlarged under the Indian Councils Act of 1861? (a) One member (b) Two members (c ) Four members (d) None of these

(viii) As per the Government of India Act 1858, the transfer of the control of the Government of India from the East India Company and assumption by the Crown was to be announced by Queen’s Proclamation, which was accordingly read in a Darbar. Where was this Darbar held? (a) Calcutta (b) Delhi (c ) Allahabad (d) None of these

(ix) Where, during the War of Independence, was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan working/posted? (a) Delhi (b) Bijnaur (c ) Aligarh (d) None of these

(x) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a Translation Society (later, renamed as ‘Scientific Society’) in 1864. In which town was it founded? (a) Bijnaur (b) Aligarh (c ) Ghazipur (d) None of these

(xi) In 1867, some prominent Hidus of Banares launched a movement for the replacement of Urdu written in Nasta’leeq by Hindi written in Deva Nagiri script as the Court language. In which province(s) was this movement started? (a) Bengal Province (b) Central Provinces (c ) North-Western Provinces (d) None of these

(xii) What was the designation of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in M.A.O. School at Aligarh? (a) Secretary, Managing Committee (b) President, Managing Committee (c ) Patron, Managing Committee (d) None of these

(xiii) Which organisation is considered the first Muslim political body constituted to represent the Muslims of the subcontinent as a whole? (a) Anjuman-e-Mussalmanan-e-Hind (b) Central National Mohammadan Association (c ) Urdu Defence Association (d) None of these

(xiv) Mention the important announcement(s) that was/were made by the Governor General Lord Hardinge in his Darbar at Delhi in 1911? (a) Annulment of the partition of Bengal (b) Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi (c ) Both of these (d) None of these

(xv) Which Muslim leader left the politics after the cancellation of the partition of Bengal? (a) Nawab Salimullah Khan (b) Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk (c ) Nawab Hamidullah Khan (d) None of these

(xvi) First Session of the All-India Muslim League was held on 29-30 December 1907. Where was it held? (a) Lahore (b) Aligarh (c ) Karachi (d) None of these

(xvii) “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three”. Who made these remarks about Quaid-e-Azam? (a) Stanley Wolpert (b) Ian Stephens (c ) Lawrence Ziring (d) None of these

(xviii) The All-India Muslim League observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of the All-India Congress ministries. On what date was it observed? (a) 22 October, 1938 (b) 22 December, 1938 (c ) 22 October, 1939 (d) None of these

(xix) Who was the first leader of opposition in he first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan? (a) Sardar Bahadur Khan (b) Khan A. Sabur (c ) Mumtaz Daultana (d) None of these

(xx) In which year Pakistan became ‘Republic’? (a) 1947 (b) 1956 (c ) 1962 (d) None of these

Part II

Q.2. Briefly analyse and discuss the contribution of the religious reformers – Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Shah Waliullah, Syed Ahmad Barelvi and the like – in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian subcontinent. (20)
Q.3. John Plamenatz defines ‘Nationalism’ as “the desire to preserve or enhance peoples national or cultural identity, when that identity is threatened or the desire to transform or even create it when it is felt to be inadequate or lacking.” In the light of above definition, briefly but comprehensively discuss the respective roles played by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and the Quaid-e-Azam in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in India. (20)
Q.4. Describe the main contents and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact and Delhi Muslim Proposals and their respective impact on the subsequent political developments in India. (20)
Q.5. Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan? Take a position and support your argument by historical facts, if any. (20)
Q.6. Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crisis/crises initiated by the controversial actions taken by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad and endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and analyse its effects on the subsequent history of Pakistan. (20)
Q.7. Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country. Will the 18th amendment made in the Constitution by the present Government solve this issue once for all? Take a position and support with your argument. (20)
Q.8. Given the problems that Pakistan is facing today, what is your vision of Pakistan in the year 2011? How, in your opinion, can be its internal and external problems solved? (20)
