Political Science Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus


Total Marks: 100

Taking contemporary state as a dynamic phenomenon, having its own system structures and assigned functions, a comparative analysis of some outstanding developed and developing state systems is made here. The emphasis is equally on Pakistan as an emerging political system of the world.

PART: A Political Systems

  1. Concept of Political System: i) Easton on Behaviorism ii) Almond on Functionalism

  2. Developed Political Systems: Main constitutional features of USA, UK, France and former USSR

  3. Developing Political Systems: Main constitutional features of Turkey, India and China.

PART: B Pakistan

  1. Pakistan as a Nation-State: Rise of Muslim Nationalism in South Asia under the dynamic leaderships of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

  2. Political System of Pakistan: Comparative and critical analysis of the Constitutions of 1956, 1962 and 1973 (with amendments)


Part: A Political Systems: Developed and Developing

  1. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics

  2. Almond and Coleman, Politics of Developing Areas

  3. Roy C. Macridis, Comparative Politics

  4. Macridis and Wards, Modern Political Systems (Asia)

  5. J. M. Coleman, Political Institutions in Europe

  6. P. G. Cocker, Contemporary British Politics and Govt.

  7. Thomas Patterson, The American Democracy

Part: B Pakistan

  1. Keith Callard, Pakistan: A Political Study

  2. Khalid Bin Sayeed, Pakistan: The Formative Phase

  3. Khalid Bin Sayeed, Politics in Pakistan

  4. Lawrence Ziring, Pakistan in the Twentieth Century

  5. G. W. Chaudhry, Constitutional Development in Pakistan

  6. Pakistan Historical Society, History of Pakistan

  7. Jamil-ud-Din Ahmad, Speeches and Writings of M.A. Jinnah

  8. M. Saeed Sheikh, Allama Iqbal: The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

  9. Mushtaq Ahmad, Government and Politics in Pakistan
