Principles of Engineering Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus

Marks 100

Paper II will comprise EIGHT questions including One Compulsory MCQ type question containing 20 parts of one mark each (1/2 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer). Candidates will be required to attempt total FIVE questions including the compulsory question. Each question will carry 20 marks.

  1. Engineering Economics: cost analysis, purchasing power parity, supply and demand, macro economics, monopoly and oligopoly.

  2. Costing, Accounting and Budgeting: Net p resent value, Net future value, cash flows, auditing, income statement, balance sheet, taxation, financial risk management, cost analysis.

  3. Testability and Test Planning: Black box testing, White box testing, test plans, test executions, regression testing, destructible and non destructible testing, test reports.

  4. Project Management: time lines, milestones, resources allocation, dependency, Gant Charts,

  5. inventory Management: FIFO models, LIFI models, Identification Schemes, Inventory management systems.

  6. Quality Management Systems: QA modles. Deming, Juran Crosby, Quality circles, management responsibility, quality planning, purchasing, design process and design validation, quality audit, corrective and preventive measures.

  1. Time analysis and Manufacturing Management: Managerial issues, manufacturing systems, process optimization, mathematical modeling, time management, resource allocation, raw material, production analysis.

  2. Problem analysis and Decision tree: decision support system, decision tree, design of experiments.

  3. Production and operation management

10.Management tools


  1. Handbook of Engineering Management by Dennis Lock.
  2. Total Quality Management by Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield-Michna, Glen H. Besterfield, Mary Besterfield-Sacre
  3. Manufacturing Processes and systems by Ostwalds
  4. Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management by W. Grant Ireson, Clyde F. Coombs, Richard Y. Moss
