Psychology CSS Paper 2024



NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) There is no negative marking. All MCQs must be attempted.


Q.1. (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the OMR Answer Sheet.(20×1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered.

1. “Give me a child till that child is five years old, and I will make of him anything you want doctor, lawyer, thief”, a likely quote from:
(A) Thorndike (B) Watson (C) Hull (D) Pavlov

2. First experimental lab of Psychology was established in:
(A) France (B) America (C) Germany (D) Japan

3. The____________ is associated with the hypothalamus.
(A) Refined body movements (B) Spatial perception (C) Long-term planning (D) Homeostatic regulation

4. The “fight or flight” response to a perceived threat is associated with increased activity of:
(A) Sympathetic Nervous system (B) Para-sympathetic Nervous system (C) Cerebral cortex (D) Corpus collosum

5. _________ styles of parenting Baumrind identify.
(A) Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire (B) Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive (C) Pre-conventional, Conventional, Post-conventional (D) Moving against, Toward, Away from

6. According to Piaget theory in _________stage child can understand that a ball of clay can take a different shape without either losing or gaining substance.
(A) Sensorimotor (B) Preoperational (C) Concrete-operational (D) Formal-operational

7. The little bumps visible on your tongue are:
(A) Taste buds (B) Axon (C) Papillae (D) Receptors

8. The basilar membrane plays an important role in:
(A) Vision (B) Hearing (C) Olfaction (D) Taste

9. ____________ is based on the principles of classical conditioning.
(A) Token economies (B) Differential reinforcement (C) Contingency management (D) Systematic desensitization

10. Kohler’s experiments with chimpanzees demonstrate that chimps are capable of:
(A) One-trial learning (B) Insight learning (C) Trial & Error learning (D) State-dependent learning

11. Iconic memory refers to:
(A) Visual working memory (B) Auditory working memory (C) Visual short-term memory (D) Visual sensory memory

12. A major distinction between episodic and semantic memory was central to the work of:
(A) Miller (B) Tulving (C) Ebbinghaus (D) Skinner

13. Theory described by Abraham Maslow is known as:
(A) Hierarchy of needs (B) Equity theory (C) Psychoanalysis (D) Cognitive dissonance theory

14. A hungry person would find food to be a:
(A) Primary reinforcer (B) Secondary reinforcer (C) Negative reinforce (D) None of these

15. The opponent process theory has been prominent in the field of:
(A) Vision (B) Learning (C) Neurosis (D) Emotion

16. ______________studies the relationships among employees affect those employees and the performance of a business.
(A) Industrial Psychology (B) Organizational Psychology (C) Social Psychology (D) Clinical Psychology

17. Maria refuses to study for an exam, saying that fate will decide her grade. __________ provide plausible explanations for her behavior.
(A) Self-monitoring (B) The placebo effect (C) The halo effect (D) Locus of control

18. When you focus on two or more things at the same time, you’re using:
(A) Divided attention (B) Sustain attention (C) Selective attention (D) Alternating attention

19. The field theory was developed by:
(A) Solomon Asch (B) Leon Festinger (C) Fritz Heider (D) Kurt Lewin

20. Salma has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. But after she herself cheats on a quiz, her attitude toward cheating becomes significantly less harsh is the example of:
(A) Cognitive dissonance theory (B) Self-perception theory (C) Reinforcement theory (D) None of these

NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper.
(v) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.

Q. No. 2. Explore the field of cognitive psychology by discussing key concepts such as memory, problem solving and decision-making. Critically evaluate the Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory with examples. (20)

Q. No. 3. Why Emotional Intelligence (EI) is more important than Intelligence Quotient (IQ)? Which one, do you think, matters more for your career & personal development. (20)

Q. No. 4. Define the concept of emotions in psychology. Compare and contrast the James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory and Schachter-Singer two-factor theory. Illustrate your answer with real-life examples. (20)

Q. No. 5. Describe Psychoanalytical approach by Freud and what are the techniques used in psychoanalytic therapy? (20)

Q. No. 6. Discuss the biological, social and personality factors behind the anxiety disorders. Differentiate between panic disorder, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder according to the DSM criteria. (20)

Q. No. 7. Explain Milgram’s experiments on obedience. Discuss the major criticism on Milgram’s experiments. (20)

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following. (10 each) (20)
(a) Pituitary gland (b) Thyroid gland (c) Adrenal glands


