Psychology CSS Paper I 2003

Psychology, Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. What makes Structuralism stand out as different from other schools and how it fits in recent rends in Psychology? Discuss.

  2. Describe and explain the role of peripheral nervous system in determining the overt behavior of an organism.

  3. Give a comprehensive account of primary (major) and secondary parameters for including a desired response through Conditioning.

  4. Describe how and what secondary motives determine one’s source of action in practical life.

  5. Elucidates determinants of perception (any 5 out of listed 7) lodged within the individual alone.

  6. Describe the role of socio-cultural factors in the development of personality.

  7. How Prejudices are formed/ what role media can play in minimizing the hostile feelings? Discuss.

8. Write only the correct answer in your Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) The term phenomenology refers to:
(a) A science of perception (b) Detailed analysis of our sensations (c) “Native” description of our immediate experience (d) Scientific study of “queer” occurrences (e) None of these

2) The degree of concentration or dilution of color is known as its:
(a) Brightness (b) Hue (c) Saturation (d) Volume (e) None of these

3) Differences in perception among species depend upon:
(a) Habitat (b) Complexity of nervous system (c) Receptor mechanism (d) All of the above (e) None of these

4) Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between:
(a) Sensory attributes and physical energy (b) Perception and physiological process (c) Psychology and physics (d) None of these

5) The concept of adaptation was introduced by:
(a) Brown (b) Helson (c) Wertheimer (d) Kohler (e) None of these

6) Convergence of the eyes in controlled primarily by:
(a) Extrinsic muscle of the eye (b) Curvature of lens (c) Ciliary muscle of eye (d) Muscles of iris (e) None of these

7) Factors predisposing an individual toward feeling of jealousy include:
(a) Self-hate (b) Insecurity in self-conception (c) Lack of intensity in feeling of love (d) All of the above (e) None of these

8) The so-called primary emotion includes:
(a) Pain, fear, hate, love (b) Shame, guilt, anger, grief (c) Joy, fear, anger, grief (d) All of the above (e) None of these

9) Coping behavior is:
(a) Often unconscious (b) A form of habitual behavior (c) Always goal-directed (d) Usually carried out directly (e) None of these

10) Deficiency motivation is to abundance motivation as:
(a) Desire is to need (b) Innate is to learned (c) Primary is to secondary (d) Need is to desire (e) None of these

11) The concept of homeostasis most closely associated with the name:
(a) Richter (b) Cannon (c) Levin (d) Warden (e) None of these

12) McClelland’s method of measuring the achievement motive made use of:
(a) Self-ratings (b) Fantasy (c) Person’s estimates of level of aspiration (d) Activity level (e) None of these

13) Sources of frustration include:
(a) Environmental lacks (b) Environmental obstacles (c) Incompatibles motives (d) All of the above (e) None of these

14) The “local” stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
(a) Cannon (b) Beach (c) Ingram (d) Anderson (e) None of these

15) The Cannon-Bard theory of emotions emphasis the role of the:
(a) Skeletal muscles (b) Thalamus and hypothalamus (c) Hormonal system (d) All of the above (e) None of these

16) An insufficient supply of thyroid hormone can result in:
(a) Increased metabolic rate (b) Cretinism (c) Increased emotionality (d) None of these

17) The so-called “aster gland” which helps control the activities of various ductless glands is the:
(a) Adrenal medulla (b) Thyroid (c) Anterior pituitary (d) Gonad (e) None of these

18) The term “reinforcement” refers to the pairing of:
(a) CS and US (b) CR and UR (c) US and UR (d) CS and CR (e) None of these

19) One of the following is not a method of measuring retention:
(a) Recognition (b) Relearning (c) Recall (d) Reminiscence (e) None of these

20) When new acquisitions improve retention of the old, we speak of:
(a) Positive transfer (b) Negative transfer (c) Reproductive facilitation (d) Reproductive interference (e) None of these
