Psychology CSS Paper I 2006

1. Comment on RECENT TRENDS IN PSYCHOLOGY, duly supported by factual data.

  1. What is AVOIDANCE CONDITIONING? Describe as to how, if at all, this can be used to reduce the alarming rate of road accidents.

  2. Give a comparative account of various theories of MOTIVATION.

  3. Highlight and describe the role of SUBJECTIVE and OBJECTIVE factors in the perception of objects in space.

  4. What is SOCIALIZATION? Can the process of monitored socialization help to reduce the sectarian / ethnic group feelings? Discuss.

  5. Describe the determining role of various factors in the development and grooming of PERSONALITY.

  6. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
    (a) Group Solidarity
    (b) Role of ENDOCRINE GLAND in human body.
    (c) Probability Learning

Q.No.8. Compulsory Question

  1. The term “Phenomenology” refers to:
    (a) The science of perception (b) The scientific study of “queer” occurrences (c) The “naïve” description of our immediate experiences (d) A detailed analysis of our sensations (e) None of the above

  2. The degree of concentration or dilution of a colour is known as its:
    (a) Hue (b) Saturation (c) Volume (d) Brightness (e) None of these

  3. Difference in perception among species depends upon:
    (a) Habitat (b) Complexity of nervous system (c) Receptor mechanisms (d) All of the above (e) None of the above

  4. As compared with adult’s perception, the child’s perception tends to be:
    (a) Les susceptible to illusion (b) Longer in time-perspective (c) More fully characterized by constancy (d) More fully affected by physiognomic properties (e) None of the above

  5. As compared with the figure, the ground appears to be;
    (a) Better structured (b) Continuous and unbroken (c) Better localized (d) More salient in attention (e) None of these

  6. The concept of adaptation level was introduced by:
    (a) Brown (b) Wertheimer (c) Kohler (d) Helson (e) None of these

  7. By the perceptual organization of stimuli the person’s span of attention is:
    (a) Increased (b) Decreased (c) Divided (d) Unaffected (e) None of these

  8. The cue of accommodation is especially effective for:
    (a) Long distances (b) Short distances (c) Moving objects (d) both (a) and (c) (e) None of these

  9. The area of the brain where all the fibers from the skin senses get connected before entering cerebral cortex is the:
    (a) Cerebellum (b) Spinal Cord (c) Thalamus (d) Reticular formation (e) None of these

  10. The so called primary emotions include:
    (a) joy, fear, anger, grief (b) pain, fear, hate, love (c) shame, guilt, anger, grief (d) all of the above (e) None of these

  11. Factors predisposing an individual towards feeling of jealousy include:
    (a) Insecurity in self-conception (b) Lack of intensity of feelings of love (c) Self hate (d) All of the above (e) None of these

  12. Behaviour episodes are:
    (a) Organized sequences of behaviour (b) Characterized by a constant direction of action (c) Ofter overlapping (d) All of the above (e) None of these

  13. Self-assertive behaviour is an example primarily of:
    (a) a stimulation motive (b) a security motive (c) an abundance motive (d) a survival motive (e) None of these

  14. The emergency-control branch of human nervous system is:
    (a) Sympathetic (b) Parasympathetic (c) Cerebrospinal (d) Ventromedial (e) None of these

  15. The “local” stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
    (a) Anderson (b) Beach (c) Cannon (d) Helson (e) None of these

  16. Examples of ductless glands are:
    (a) Gonads, salivary glands, adrenals (b) tear glands, salivary glands, gonads (c) Thyroid, pituitary, tear gland (d) Adrenal, thyroid, gonads (e) None of these

  17. In conditioning studies CR and UR:
    (a) are usually, but no always, identical (b) are rarely identical (c) Have not similarity (d) Are always identical (e) None of these

  18. A curve which shows an overall negative slope may show:
    (a) negative acceleration (b) positive acceleration (c) linear acceleration (d) any one of the above (e) None of these

  19. The development of any kind of skill depends intimately upon;
    (a) Muscle facility (b) Abstract knowledge (c) Feedback (d) Kinesthetic stimulation (e) None of these

  20. Aphasia seems to be correlated with lesions to the:
    (a) Temporal lobes of brain (b) Motor Cortex of brain (c) Cerebellar cortex of brain (d) Frontal lobes of brain (e) None of these
