Psychology CSS Paper II 1998


Psychology Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1 Identifying various developmental stages in the process of biological maturation, describe the role of Socio-cultural factors considered most characteristic of each stage.

2 Describe and explain as to how pre-natal developmental deficiencies may lead to physiological and psychological maladaptive behaviour.

3 Highlight the main issues pertaining to the ethical standards and legal issues while helping the patient with psychotherapeutic treatment.

4 Elucidate potential psycho-social factors leading to the development of delinquent behaviour in youth in Pakistan.

5 Give a comprehensive account of dynamics of character disorders.

6 Critically evaluate various methods/techniques of assessment of intelligence of mentally retarded children.

7 Describe the Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors, manipulation of which may boost-up the produce output of any Industrial unit without any substantial additional investment.

8 Select and write the best correct answer out of the given four choices for each of the following items:

(i) Psychoneuroses tend to be: (a) severer than the psychoses (b) milder than neuroses (c) milder than psychoses (d) about the same severity as psychoses.

(ii) The essential feature of Client-centred therapy is: (a) the giving of assurance to the client; (b) bringing the person to arrive his own insights about his problems; (c) its directive character (d) its emphasis upon searching for deep unconscious aspects of the problem.

(iii) Prefrontal lobotomy is: (a) a form of shock therapy (b) a way of reducing emotional intensity (c) a technique for rendering the patient more susceptible to hypnosis (d) a form of electrical stimulation of the brain centres.

(v) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by: (a) asthma caused by anxiety (b) depression caused by tuberculosis (c) neurotic anxiety (d) over-eating.

(vi) In Freudian theory, the Ego is considered as most concerned with: (a) demands of pleasures of self (b) reality coping (c) moral restraints (d) instincts

(vii) As the individual continues his growth after birth, the neural cells in his brain: (a) change in their chemical composition (b) increase in number (c) both ‘a and ‘b’ above (d) neither a’ nor b’ above.

(vi) With the onset of puberty, rate of growth of: (a) all bodily organs slows down (b) intellectual development slows down (c) both a’ and ‘b above are true (d) neither ‘a’ and ‘b’ above is true

(vii) Studies clearly indicate that I.O. is: (a) correlated with the socio-economic level of the child’s family (b) determined entirely by hereditary tactor (c) determined entirely by environmental tactors (d) none of the above is true.

(ix) The sensorimotor behaviour of the infant shows: (a) a hand-to-hand sequence of development (b) A head-to-foot sequence of development (c) A central-to-peripheral sequence of development
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’ above.

(x) The bodily growth of man shows: (a) parallel rates of development of all organs (b) differences in the rate of growth for different organs (c) varying times (d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’ above
