Psychology CSS Paper II 1999


Psychology Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1 What can you gain from the study of human development? Discuss the role of various biological and socio-cultural factors on human development.

2 What are the causes of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, and how can they be anticipated or minimized?

3 How does intellectual development proceed during childhood years? Can parents enhance their child’s competence?

4 Discuss the techniques used by clinical psychologists for assessment of client’s personality.

5 Explain Behaviour Therapy and its implications for behaviour modification.

6 Elucidate biological and sociological determinants of crime with special reference to our own society.

7 Write short notes on the following: (a) Psychosomatic disorders (b) Group Dynamics (c) Creativity (d) Intelligence


8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

(i) A study that follows the lives of its subjects over a long period is called: (a) longitudinal (b) cross-sectional (c) life tracing (d) multi-factorial

(ii) Piaget called the ability to perform actions mentally: (a) operations (b) cognitive manipulations (c) maturational milestone (d) learned cognitions

(iii) Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development are based on the assumption that development is: (a) based on maturation (b) dominated by instincts (c) the result of life crises (d) the same for males and females

(iv) Girls tend to be somewhat, mere adept than boys in: (a) mathematical skills (b) perceptual-spatial skills (c) verbal skills (d) both a and b

(v) Which of the following is not a common symptom of major depression? (a) insomnia (b) delusions (c) poor appetite (d) lethargy

(vi) Which of the following criteria for defining abnormality is most concerned with the consequences of the behaviour? (a) statistical frequency (b) social norms (c) maladaptiveness (d) clinical interview

(vii) Desensitization is a technique used by: (a) psychoanalysis (b) client-centered therapy (c) STDP (d) Behaviour therapy

(viii) Rational emotive therapy is a type of: (a) psychometrics (b) client-centered therapy (c) cognitive behaviour therapy (d) behaviour therapy

(ix) IQ scores tend to be good predictors of: (a) school performance (b) social competence (c) financial success in adult life (d) both a and c

(x) One frequent side effect of electroconvulsive therapy is: (a) memory impairment (b) brain damage (c) loss of appetite (d) both a and b

(xi) Mood disorders are primarily characterized by disturbance in: (a) thought processes (b) biological processes (c) expressed emotions (d) motor responses

(xii) Schizophrenic disorders are known primarily by disturbance in: (a) motor responses (b) thought (c) emotions (d) physical functioning

(xiii) The defining trait of paranoid personality disorder is: (a) social withdrawal (b) repression (c) self-absorption (d) suspiciousness

(xiv) Studying scores on intelligence tests in order to understand the structure of intelligence is using: (a) the psychometric approach (b) the information-processing approach (c) the symbols-systems approach (d) the divergent-convergent approach

(xv) Binet devised an intelligence test in 1905 to: (a) assess intelligence of children (b) determine which children would benefit from special education (c) determines which immigrants should be allowed in the country (d) determine the intelligence of army recruits

(xvi) Factor analytic techniques have been used to identify in intelligence: (a) special and general factors (b) crystallized and fluid abilities (c) level 1 and level 2 abilities (d) architectural and executive systems

(xv) Which of the following best describes a newborn’s sensory development? (a) only the sense of smell is developed (b) the sense of smell is the last to develop (c) the sense of sight is the last to develop d) all senses are fairly developed at birth

(xvi) Each sperm and ovum contains … chromosomes and genes: (a) 10, 23 (b) 23, 10 (c) 2, 4 (d) 23, thousands

(xix) One of the major causes of mental retardation is: (a) Down’s Syndrome (b) Oxygen deficiency at birth (c) Use of drugs (d) Malnutrition

(xx) Addiction differs from dependency in that: (a) addiction involves withdrawal after cessation (b) dependency refers to a psychological need (c) addiction refers only to hallucinogens (d) both a and b
