Psychology CSS Paper II 2000





Psychology, Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1 How do biological factors interact with environmental experiences to determine the course of development?

2 What is meant by “developmental irregularities?” How does heredity contribute to chromosomal abnormalities?

3 Describe the criteria that can be used distinguish between “normal” and “abnormal” behavior. What are the different sources of information that you will recommend for clinical diagnosis?

4 What are the underlying principles and assumptions of behavior therapies? Discuss the role of behavior therapy in behavior modification.

5 Discuss the role of biological and sociological factors in crime and drug addiction.

6 How will you differentiate between psychoneurotic and psychosomatic disorders? Give an account of anxiety disorders.

7 Identify the important determinants of job satisfaction for workers in an industry.


8 Write only the correct answers in the answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) Developmental psychologists believe that two factors that influence human development are:
(a) Motivation and emotion (b) Self and others (c) Genetic make up and experience (d) Rewards and punishments

2) Motor skills are largely a result of:
(a) Learning (b) Maturational process (c) Practice (d) Observing other

3) In Piaget’s theory, the first two years of life are called the —– stages:
(a) Paralinguistic (b) Exploratory (c) Sensorimotor (d) Preoperational

4) Learning theories explain attachment of infants to their parents in items of:
(a) Conditioning (b) Observational learning (c) The maturation of perceptual skills (d) Cognitive development

5) Freud was among the first to suggest that abnormal behavior:
(a) Can have a hereditary basis (b) Is not the result of demonic possession (c) Is psychology caused (d) Can result from biological factors

6) Which of the following is not a common symptom of the depression?
(a) Insomnia (b) Delusions (c) Poor appetite (d) Lethargy

7) Gradual exposure to actual feared situation is called:
(a) Cognitive desensitization (b) In vivo desensitization (c) Flooding (d) Breaking of resistance

8) Rotational –emotive therapy is a type of:
(a) Psychoanalysis (b) Client-centered therapy (c) Cognitive –behavior therapy (d) Behavior therapy

9) The concept of intelligence is closely related to:
(a) Motivation (b) Learning (c) Perception (d) Cognition

10) Most IQ tests assess:
(a) Academic motivation (b) Convergent thinking (c) Perceptual motor skills (d) Creativity

11) Addictive disorders include:
(a) Alcoholism and drug addiction (b) Overeating (c) Sociopathalogy (d) All the above

12) Seizures, confusions, delusions and hallucinations are symptoms of :
(a) Advanced alcoholism (b) Delirium tremens (c) Alcoholic withdrawal (d) All of the above

13) The central concept in Gestalt therapy is:
(a) Awareness (b) Self-fulfillment (c) Self-control (d) Desensitization

14) The techniques used in behavior modification:
(a) Stress interpersonal interactions (b) Employ the principal of learning (c) Are capable to a very limited rang of psychological problems (d) All involve some sort of operant conditioning

15) Research has suggested that compulsive behavior persists because:
(a) It reduces anxiety (b) There is some underlying conflict (c) Others begin to expect it (d) It diverts the attention of the individual from the problem

16) A perceptual experience, which is not grounded in reality, is called a/an:
(a) Delusion (b) Illusionary images (c) Hallucinations (d) Spontaneous discharge of sensory neurons

17) The hallucinations of schizophrenic are most likely to be:
(a) Auditory (b) Visual (c) Tactual (d) Olfactory

18) Among people with severe mood disorder, ——- is most common:
(a) Mania (b) Depression (c) Manic-depression (d) Euphoria

19) Rogers believes that all of us are born with:
(a) Unconditional positive regard (b) A drive for self fulfillment (c) A sense of individuality and uniqueness (d) A variety of incongruence, which must be resolved in infancy and early childhood

20) Tests that employ real life problems that the examinee is likely to face on the job are called:
(a) Job tasks (b) Valid tests (c) Situational tests (d) Projective techniques
