Public Administration CSS Paper 2000

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No.9 which Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe the characteristic features of Public Administration and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of governmental machinery in Pakistan.

2. Give a comprehensive account of Behavioural School of thought in administration. How can it be made instrumental for good governance in Pakistan?

3. Explain the meaning of Ecology. Suggest ecological changes which may improve the performance of the bureaucracy of Pakistan.

4. Differentiate between the roles and functions of political and administrative leadership. How can we reconcile the conflict between political and administrative leadership?

5. A fair, free and transparent system of accountability is a pre-requisite of public administration in a democratic state. Identify the causes and suggest remedies for the failure of system of accountability during the democratic regimes in Pakistan.

6. What structural changes would you suggest to change the orientation of public personnel management in Pakistan from “ruling elite” to “serving civil servants” to achieve the objectives of poverty alleviation and development…

7. Accounting and and auditing system of financial administration in Pakistan has almost collapsed as it has failed to control financial corruption. Suggest modern managerial methods to check the leakage of funds in the public sector organizations.

8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following topics:

(a). Problems of coordination in public administration of Pakistan

(b) Role of Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary in public administration.

(c) Types of communication.

(d) Requirements for Good Governance


9. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

(1) The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was: (a) F.W. Taylor (b) Herber Simon © Pfiffner John (d) Mary Parker Follet

(2) The father of Human Relations theory was: (a) Douglas M. McGregor (b) Elton Mayo (c) E.N.Gladden (d) L. Urwick

(3) The founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was: (a)Herman Finer (b) La Palombra (b)Max Weber (d) Albert Lepawsky

(4) Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having: (a) Independence (b) Inter- dependence (c) Dependence (d) Contingency

(5) Bureaucracy of Pakistan is: (a) Elitist (b) Agilitarian (c) Oligarchy (d) Paternalistic

(6) Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by: (a) Executive (b) Legislature (c) Judiciary (d) All the three above

(7) The first book on Public Administration was written by: (a) Pfiffner and Presthus (b) L. D. White (c). Simon, Smithburg and Thompson (d) E.N. Gladden

(8) Public Administration is the study of: (a) Maintenance of Law and Order (b) Control of trade and commerce

(c) Public Policy implementation (d) Politico-administrative dynamics of the state.

(9) Planning machinery in Pakistan is: (a) Centralized (b) Decentralized (c) Departmentalized (d) Compartmentalized

(10) Financially the performance of public corporations in Pakistan during the last decade has been: (a) Excellent . (b) Good (c) Satisfactory (d) Poor

(11) Public Personnel Management in Pakistan is based on the principle of: (a) Spoils (b) Patronage (c) Merit (d) Give and take

(12) Communication runs faster in: (a) Centralized structure (b) Decentralized structure (c) Matrix structure (d) Line structure

(13) Performance budgeting is based on: (a) items of expenditure b) items of investment (c) objectives of expenditure (d) plan of implementation

(14) The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by: (a) Frank Henry Goodnow (b) James W. Fes1er (c) W Paul Appleby (d) Ordway Tead

(15) The form of Leadership in the bureaucracy of Pakistan is: (a) Aristocratic (b) Democratic (c) Dictatorial (d) Paternalistic

(16) The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public administration was: (a) President Wilson (b) President Hoover (c) President Kennedy (d) President Roosevelt

(17) Formal relationship in an organization is based on: (a) Friendship (b) Peer groups (c) Authority on subordinates (d) Rules and Regulations

(18) The Ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of: (a) Tradition (b) Charisma (c) Legal rational (d) Money

(19) Pressure groups in public administration work for: (a) Public interest (b) Self interest (c) Foreign interest (d) Sectoral interest

(20) The administrative reforms under which various services were merged in occupational groups were introduced in: (a)1960 (b) 1973 (c) 1989 (d) 1994