Public administration KP PMS Syllabus

Public administration

Total Marks – 100

1. Public administration: Its nature and scope, the role of public administration in a modern welfare state

2. Major schools of thought in administration: Scientific Management Movement. Human relationists, behavioral school, systemic theory

3. Bureaucracy: Concept of bureaucracy, theories of bureaucracy, ecology of bureaucracy, bureaucracy of Pakistan as a change agent

4. Administrative leadership: Approaches to the study of leadership, forms of leadership, leadership qualities

5. Administrative accountability: Internal and external controls, executive control, legislative control, judicial control, Ombudsman, public opinion and pressure groups, problems of administrative accountability in Pakistan

6. Planning: Types of plans, planning process, principles of planning, planning machinery, the system of planning and programming in Pakistan. Planning machinery in Pakistan

7. Organization: Types of organization, theories of organization, principles of organization, the organization of federal and provincial governments in Pakistan. Public corporations in Pakistan

8. Personnel administration: Nature and scope of personnel administration, personnel functions, tools of personnel management, salient features of the system of Public Personnel Management in Pakistan

9. Controlling and coordination: Forms of controls, control mechanism, the process of control, principles of controlling, principles of coordination, machinery for coordination, problems of coordination in public administration in Pakistan

10. Communication: Types of communication, communication channels, communication process, principles of communication

11. Financial administration: Elements of financial administration, performance and programmed budgeting, capital budget. Principles of budgeting, auditing and accounting
