Social Work Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus Recommended Books


  1. Friendlander M. Der. Concepts and Methods of social work, Prentice-Hall, N.W. Jersey.

  2. Hamilton, Gordon, Principles of Case, Recording, New York Columbia University Press.

  3. Perelman, Halen, Social Case Work, A Problem solving process, Chicago The University of the Chicago Press.

  4. Richmond, Mary, E. Social Diagnosis, New York, Russell Foundation

  5. Douglas Tom, Group Work Practice, Cambridge, Tailstock publication, 1976

  6. Arthur Dunham, 1958, Community Welfare Organization Principles & Techniques Practices. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, p-14

  7. Arthur Dunham, 160. Community Development, p.p. 178-186 in social Work Year Book, Edited by Russell H. Kurtz, New York, national Association of Social Workers.